Warm-ups Date: Dec 19, 2013 Page: Table of Contents p 1 W.O.D: Last 5 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Morphine – A narcotic medicine used to treat moderate to severe pain. Question: What is the purpose of pain? Glossary
Today’s Plan Warm-up Yoga Finish Human Body: Pushing the Limits- Sensation Quick Quiz Table of Contents Update (Leave notebooks fully organized!) Reflection
Anatomy & Physiology Table of Contents (p. 1) Your Brain & Your Nervous Systemp. 2 Brain Notes/Find someone who…p. 3 Brain Hemisphere Dominancep. 4 The Secrets of the Brain Videop. 5 Neuron Drawingp. 6 Textbook Reading (p )p. 7 Senses/Stimuli gamep. 8 Reflex notesp. 9 Reaction Vs. Reflex lab/Pre-Labp. 10 Human body: Pushing the Limitsp. 11
Reflection: What is one of the most sophisticated communication systems on the planet?