Warm-ups Date: Jan 21, 2014 Page: Table of Contents p 1 W.O.D: Last 5 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Impulse – the progressive wave of excitation over a muscle or nerve fiber, which causes or inhibits activity in the body Question: When might an impulse be sent? Glossary
Today’s Plan Warm-up Breathe Review of Muscle Lab Action potential notes Reflect *Mid-tri is Friday. Make up work asap.
Anat & Phys Table of Contents (p. 1) Your Brain & Your Nervous Systemp. 2 Brain Notes/Find someone who…p. 3 Brain Hemisphere Dominancep. 4 The Secrets of the Brain Videop. 5 Neuron Drawingp. 6 Textbook Reading (p )p. 7 Senses/Stimuli gamep. 8 Reflex notesp. 9 Reaction Vs. Reflex lab/Pre-Labp. 10 Human body: Pushing the Limitsp. 11 Muscle Reading/?’s Text p. 12 Muscles under the Microscope (+ Muscle Reading) p. 13 Muscle Notes/Muscle Fatigue labp. 14 Pushing the Limits Video/Action Potentialp.15
Action potential of muscles
Ions (charge elements) build up until Na+ (sodium) gathers outside the membrane K+ (Potassium) gathers inside the membrane A signal from another nerve opens the channels, and the Na+ rushes in. K+ rushes out. This repeats jumping down the nerves. At the end of the nerve, Acetylcholine has been building up. When the impulse reaches the neuromuscular junction, Acetylcholine channels are open, allowing it to rush out and trigger a muscle contraction.
Reflection: Explain in your own words the biology definition of impulse.