Kingdom Harvest Network The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Matt 9:37-38) Kingdom Harvest Network
CSULB Welcome Week
CSULB Halloween Party
CSULB Thanksgiving Dinner
Multiplying Disciples
Hosting Students at Our Home Hosting Students at My Home
Hosting Students at Our Home Hosting Students at My Home
Come Help Change the World “Win the campus today, and change the world tomorrow” Bill Bright
International Students Future Leaders of the Nations Reaching college student for Christ is the key to transforming society.
“The harvest is plentiful...” U.S. College Campuses 900,000 Internationals 28,000 in LA County Less than 5% know Jesus
(Internationals) at Major L.A. Colleges 1,800 students1,000 students1,700 students 7,800 students5,600 students2,800 students
“...but the workers are few” 3 part-time staff at CSULB 1 part-time staff at CSUFullerton 4,500 internationals from 90 nations
“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers” 100 prayer partners 100 ministry partners 100 students reached Trusting God to help us turn lost international students and scholars into Christ-centered laborers who will build spiritual movements in their own countries so that everyone will know someone who truly follows Jesus!
“ send workers into his harvest.” l Personal evangelism & Bible studies l Training and coaching students l Starting new campus movements l Networking with local churches l Speaking at campuses & churches
$40,000 Annual Investment Salary $12K Housing $12K Benefits $10K Ministry $6K $170 “daily denari” $3,333 monthly
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