INFO SESSION AUGUST 31, 2010 SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 Kappa Pi Art and Art History Honors Society
Who We Are Alpha Alpha Phi Chapter- Art and Art History Fraternity founded in 2008 Dedicated to uniting studio art and art history students at UNC and getting students involved in the local and the UNC art community
What We’ve Done in the Past Art Events and Trips o Local and State Museum Visits o National Art Event Trips o Lectures Social Events o Potlucks, Movie Nights, Gallery Opening, 2nd Friday Artwalk Community Service o Community Center classes, Relay for Life, ArtsCenter The Artery o Founded in 2009, all Kappa Pi members participate in volunteering and organizing new shows
Plans for This Semester Visits to the Nasher, Charlotte, and NCMA Possible trip to DC Local Art Events o 2nd Friday Artwalk, Artist Lectures, more involvement on campus Events at the Artery o Gallery Opening, Concerts, Film Festival Carrboro ArtsCenter Collaboration o Volunteering, Student night at the ArtsCenter, Undergrad show
Membership Requirements Full Membership o Minimum 3.0 GPA in Art classes and overall o At least 12 hrs art credit by the end of the semester o Compliance with attendance policy o Recognized by international fraternity and university (awarded pin, certificate and graduation cord) Associate Membership o Compliance with attendance policy o Recognized by university as fraternity member Dues o New Members: $35 o Returning Members: $20 o Associate Members: $15
Semester Requirements All meetings and Artery Gallery Openings required o Meetings every other week o Gallery Openings monthly Attend at least 3 local events (only free events are required) o Lectures, Artwalks, Museum Visits, etc. Minimum 1 service activity o Volunteering at the Artery of ArtsCenter Events Only 2 excused absences o Include illness, class, emergencies, work – NOT homework Work a 2-hour shift at the Artery every week
Officers Natalia Davila, President Courtnery Whitaker, Vice President Anna Buckner, Secretary Anna Rogers, Social Chair Juliet Sperling, Director of the Artery Christy King, ArtsCenter Liason
Background Founded in October 2009 by Hallie Ringle, Gavin Hackeling and Natalia Davila Student run gallery dedicated to promoting and selling student artwork Focusing on installations and artist collaboration Five shows last year and one this summer UNC students (from undergrads to post-docs) are invited to submit any style artwork or installation ideas
Day-to-Day Operations Open Wednesday 1-6pm and Th-Sa 5-10pm All KP members required to work a 2-hour shift at the Artery and at least one event Any one is welcome to volunteer at the Artery Next opening October 8 Accepting applications for curatorial committee, to work under Kal Fadem o for an