The New Improved School Professional Development Plan Proposal.


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Presentation transcript:

The New Improved School Professional Development Plan Proposal

School Demographic Data Approximately 125 students 56 students Grades K-8 5 elementary teachers High staff turnover (25% each year) Mental Health and Positive Behavior Support Focus Transient student population Urban-Suburban

Sub-group Information 100% special needs population Learning and Emotional support 95% economically disadvantaged 98% free-reduced lunch

Assessment Data PSSA Math– Spring Sight Math – Fall 2012 Below Basic- 58%Below Basic – 85% Basic – 35%Basic – 13% Proficient – 6%Proficient – 2% Advanced – 0Advanced- 0

Student Needs Math that is connected to “real life” Meaningful state assessments Improved math scores Solid math foundation High level and engaging tasks Ability to problem solve and generalize concepts Updated math and technology resources

Teacher’s Needs Solid math curriculum Resources (materials and support) Understanding and analysis of data Training in using the Scholastic programs Ownership of PD and opportunities for leadership Opportunities for coaching and feedback

Current Professional Development Plan Math goal: Students will achieve common core standards through instruction in content area.  Assessment – 4 sessions; Scholastic Math Inventory, 4 Sights  Data Analysis – 4 sessions; utilize data to determine instruction  Training in Differentiated Instruction – 4 sessions; effective teaching and learning  Response to Instruction and Intervention; 4 sessions; use interventions and assess progress

Professional Development Plan Needs 1. Help teachers better understand both what they teach and how students acquire content knowledge 2. Targeted agenda’s for PLC meetings 3. Increase teacher awareness of student data as it relates to math 4. Distribution of learning- involve content coaches and master teachers in the trainings.

Recommendations for Improvement 1. Identify leaders (formal and informal) in the area of mathematics that are on staff  Determine interest thru staff survey  Formal/informal observations  Develop culture of collaboration  Offer incentives 2. Provide targeted professional development in the area of math concepts and curriculum Develop coherent math curriculum Familiarize teachers with math curriculum materials and their use Provide follow-up coaching sessions to evaluate/reflect on new techniques

Recommendations continued 3. Provide training in the manner that teachers will be asked to use it with students and schedule follow-up meetings/coaching sessions that will support the introduction of the new concept  Experiential learning will allow teachers to understand what their students go thru and how they feel (elation, frustration, etc.)  Help teachers determine what instructional methods will work best with their group of students  Give teachers time to experiment with new concepts and allow them time to reflect/problem solve  Schedule specific times for the teachers to meet with principal/math coach

What it looks like. Identified/interested teachers will be involved in planning professional development and training teachers in math concepts and instructional methods. Teachers will experience in-service training in the format that will be utilized with students Teachers will be able to identify specific math curriculum, available materials, and how to use them Informal observations, coaching sessions will occur weekly. Teachers will reflect on lessons and make prescriptive changes based on group needs and data

References Guskey, T.R. & Yoon K.S. (2009). What Works in Professional Development? Phi Delta Kappan, 90(7), Spillane, J.P, Halverson, R., & Diamond, J. (2001). Investigating School Leadership practice: A distributed perspective. Educational Researcher, 30(3), New Improved School Professional Development Plan , pgs. 1-95