Ofsted Preparation Session 2 How are your SENS supported?Christine
This session Sarah: feedback from M&F session Activities in CTs and outcomes Christine: Making connections for your students Next steps: relevant reading on iTunes U course and Golden Nuggets; Back to Basics workshops in Term 6
Marking and Feedback: Summary Every team uses WWW/EBI for consistency Students need to hear the language used Yellow stickers need to be visible in books (eg in JA and in Year 9) Where folders are used, with subject-specific top- sheets at GCSE for example, a WWW/EBI teacher comment must be evident All schemes of work should have SRT embedded into lessons to enable the student to respond to the targets and feedback
Feedback from teams The EBI could end with a task to show that student understands what you’ve set Use ‘this work’ instead of ‘this piece’ Take out ‘what I looked at’ – time-consuming to keep writing same thing MFL have a really well-developed annotation feedback specifically for languages
The final sticker
What Ofsted are looking for The Inspectors must “judge and report on the quality of education provided in the school” for every pupil. Inspectors will be interested in how well schools are improving the achievement of those groups of pupils whose achievement nationally is not as good as their peers. In all schools, inspectors will evaluate and report on the achievement of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs Teaching includes activities both within and outside the classroom such as support and intervention strategies.
FOCUSING (1)DEVELOPING (2)ESTABLISHING (3)ENHANCING (4)EVIDENCE Some pupils with SEN make satisfactory progress in relation to their starting points and identified needs. Most pupils with SEN make good progress in relation to their starting points and identified needs. All pupils with SEN make good progress in relation to their starting points and identified needs. Early identification and appropriate intervention enables all pupils with SEN to make very good progress in relation to their starting points and identified needs. RAISE online SAT results School tracking data Learner targets Learning and teaching observations Provision Maps Learner's records Work samples Work scrutiny records Survey of need Ability groupings Targets SEN Register Some make satisfactory progress in acquiring a range of skills (communication, reading & writing & maths). Most make good progress in acquiring a range of skills (communication, reading & writing & maths). All make good progress in acquiring a range of skills (communication, reading & writing & maths). All pupils make very good progress in acquiring a range of skills (communication, reading & writing & maths). Some are beginning to take responsibility for their own learning. They are becoming independent learners, acting on advice and reflecting on progress. Most are independent learners, acting on advice and reflecting on progress. All pupils are independent learners, acting on advice and reflecting in progress. Some are becoming active in setting themselves challenging targets for improvement. Most are becoming active in setting themselves challenging targets for improvement. Most are active in setting themselves challenging targets for improvement. Pupils are very active in setting themselves challenging targets for improvement. There is a significant gap between the achievement of SEND pupils and other pupils in the school There is a reducing gap between the achievement of SEND pupils and other pupils in the school. There is a rapidly narrowing gap between the achievement of SEND pupils and other pupils in the school There no gap between the achievement of SEND pupils and other pupils in the school. We monitor the progress of individual pupils, using Raiseonline and in-school Assessments. We compare the value- added progress made by our pupils with national and local norms for low, average and above average prior attainment. We use the information to deduce patterns of progress for individuals, as well as comparing progress of different groups of pupils. Progress data and analysis documents Action plans Provision Map
What inspectors are looking for Are targets challenging enough? Do the students understand the targets? Do SEND pupils have enough opportunities for working independently in lessons? And if not, does this indicate a lack of expectation by teachers? ‘They should not always need (adult) help’. Are the pupils motivated? Using initiative/collaborating? Are lessons planned to offer enough opportunities? What about the students who are not on S, SA or SAP, are well-behaved and contribute, yet are very weak re literacy/comprehension?
The SMOG reading age indicator calculator/smogcalc.php calculator/smogcalc.php
Action Into CTs Task Outcome: