The Michigan Primary Care Transformation (MiPCT) Project 2013 Annual Summit 1
The Michigan Nurses Association is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION: To receive contact hours, participants must attend the entire program and complete an evaluation. Please return your completed evaluation forms to an MiPCT staff member. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: All activity planners for this educational activity have reported no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. Presenter(s) for this educational activity have reported no relevant conflict of interest. COMMERCIAL SUPPORT: No Commercial Support was received for this presentation. NON-ENDORSEMENT OF PRODUCTS: The presence of commercial exhibits during the presentation does not imply endorsement by MNA, the Michigan State Board of Nursing, or the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
Presenters and Facilitators Paula Amormino MSA, RN, CCM Marie Beisel MSN, RN CPHQ Marilyn Begle, MS, RN, CHPN Mary Ellen Benzik MD Jodi Buchholz, MSW Annette Carron, MD Maureen Fallon MSN, RN Marti Funnell, RN, MSN, CDE Donna Mimikos MBA, RN, CCM Cheri Powers, RN Cecilia Sauter, MS, RD, CDE Juliann Testy, RN, BSN Sue Vos BSN, RN Christine Westphal, NP Nothing to disclose 3
The Michigan Primary Care Transformation (MiPCT) Project 2013 Annual Summit Palliative Care 4
Palliative Care and the Care Manager’s Role 5
Objectives of Palliative Care Group Session Relate an introductory understanding of Palliative Care Identify Palliative Care resources for pediatric and adult populations Apply the 10 steps for “what to say and do” in a Palliative Care discussion 6
Definition of Palliative Care 7 Specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses Focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain, and stress of a serious illness—whatever the diagnosis Goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family Provided by a team of doctors, nurses, and other specialists who work together with a patient's other doctors to provide an extra layer of support Appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness and can be provided along with curative treatment Center to Advance Palliative Care
Available Handouts Adult and Pediatric Palliative Care Resources Ten Steps to Say and Do in Palliative Care Differences in Palliative vs. Hospice Care Eight Domains of Quality Palliative Care 8
Resources Used for Palliative Care Group Discussion Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care; Second Edition, 2009; Center to Address Palliative Care; 2012, St. Camillus, San Camillo; Today.Tomorrow.Together, 2013; Video; Palliative Care and the Human Connection- Ten Steps for what to Say and Do – how to lead a discussion steps-for-what-to-say-and-do 9
10 Steps Palliative Care Conversation Video 10 Dr. Diane E. Meier is Director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC,) a national organization devoted to increasing the number and quality of palliative care programs in the United States. Dr. Diane Meier discusses 10 important steps in a discussion of palliative care from over a decade of research. lliative-care-and-the-human-connection-ten- steps-for-what-to-say-and-do
Role Play Please observe the role play demonstrating an appointment taking place in Dr. Young’s office Refer to your handout titled: “Palliative Care Scenario for Role Play” 11
Introduction of Facilitators The facilitators are available to assist you in the group activity. ▫Marilyn Begle, MS, RN, CHPN ▫Jodi Buchholz, MSW ▫Annette Carron, MD ▫Cheri Powers, RN ▫Christine Westphal, NP 12
Group Work In a discussion with others at your table Reflect on how you might approach this situation as: o Dr. Young o Sally o Karen o Mr. Kent o Mary After the role play, share your observations and how this may impact your role as a care manager. 13
Palliative Care Panel Discussion Opportunity for care managers to address any further questions 14