A short introduction
Danish Production schools The fundamental characteristics of the production schools are practical work and production. The aim is the young person’s personal, social and professional development. The theoretical instruction is integrated in practical work and production. The participants are working in a workshop as well as in other school activities. School activities can both be individual or group planed. We try to make the workshops and The production as authentic as possible. The participants are offered training in general subjects, as well as in culture and society. Production schools admit and discharge the participants individually. So we can get new participants every day. The participants will get a pay in the form of a school allowance for their active participation. Supports each participant in setting realistic goals and in reaching these goals during their stay at the school. Help them aiming for an suitable education
Target Groupe The target group, is between 15 and 25 years of age. Not directly able to begin or complete a line of general or vocational upper secondary education or who have chosen to discontinue their education. To start you must attend an evaluation at a local Youth Guidance Centre first.
partisipants School activities Special class for young multi etnich partisipants with out or with a bad exam. Special education for youngsters newly arrived i DK General education, Danish, math, English Special courses for ProTech (aimed for construcktions), ProGas (aimed for Chefs), ProBiz (for service) Dyslexis classes
School activities Social activities Christmas and summer ”party” Lectures/events for all studens Sports Cottage trip(s)
Workshops Building and constructions (service) F16 – Creative culture projekts Potemkin – Film workshop Foto Graphich Metal Music Reception Canteen – chef Design and sewing Theatre Wood – carpenter Company-school Care – Healthcare/café
Daily activities at the workshop Care Kitchen – cafe Wii balance games with elderly Shopping service with elderly Laundry Grosery shopping for the Café Pro Sosu/school: Theams about health care, learning, hygine, healthy food and planing menu. Once a week: Danish, math, sports
Links com/watch?v=gfVD5d Awf94video – care Café Nicolai com/watch?v=gfVD5d Awf94 com/watch?v=J0ibqu AeaC0 video – care, Wii com/watch?v=J0ibqu AeaC0 com/watch?v=Vs4Utg sJFK8 video – Metal com/watch?v=Vs4Utg sJFK8 dk/ dk/