Organization: Link Associates 4301 NE 14 th Street Des Moines, Iowa
MODEL AND POPULATION TO BE SERVED: MR/DD population. Identifying and promoting the abilities of the individuals seeking employment. Best Practices Age: 18 – 68 Open to other identified populations if/when needed Consumer choice based on skills and abilities
STAFF POSITIONS: 4 full time Employment Training Specialist/Job Developer In the process of hiring several On Call ETS’ Marketing Supervisor Vocational Administrator
IMMEDIATE ACCESS: Referrals are streamlined directly to the SE Supervisor and/or Administrator Placement – Consumer choice – Right employer – Transportation in place – Financial stability
Current Status of Program Referral List – 21 – wait on paperwork from 7 Case Managers Waiting List – 3 Job Developing with – 12 Currently employed – 26 Current number of consumers providing services to: 41
Admissions Process Once team has been identified, dates and times are set to complete the Pre-screening During the prescreening the team meets with the individual to receive information that identifies their individual skills, hours of preferred work, location and type of work and much, much more. At this time, our turn around time has been less than 2 weeks for most individuals from referral to accepting them into the program, depending on receiving the necessary paperwork and opening
Connectedness “Business after Hours” attendance on a regular basis and hosting 1 or 2 a year Constant on-going contact with past, present and potential new business partners Business referrals have come from friends, past and current businesses “Networking” never ending opportunity to create a new business partnership Several current and past businesses contact us when they have other employment or other opportunities
Strength Focused Link Associates hold high standards for employees and those receiving services Assist supervisors and co-workers with ways to communicate and work with individuals with disabilities Focus on strengths and abilities Well trained and professional ETS’ with employment longevity at Link ETS flexibility with hours working – early morning, late evenings, weekends etc. Identifying critical hours that consumers need an ETS present Ensuring consumers are working in a safe environment Communicating with businesses to ensure we find the right person for the job
Strength Focused – contd. Quick to evaluate, assess and respond to issues, concerns or other unknown factors that may arise Support hours are reviewed quarterly with the entire team which does include the employer to ensure the consumer is working towards independence – Outcome is usually a reduction of hours served When hours are reduce to a minimum contact is maintained with the employer for up to 1 year to ensure there are no concerns that need follow up Transportation - Link has contacted all other local agencies that provide SE services, researching ways that Link Transportation may be able to provide our Transportation service during evening and weekend hours Link provides employers with information about the skills and abilities of the consumers that have a strong desire to work and the consumer’s dependability
BARRIERS Business/Employer Buy in – Lack of understanding, experience and trust with individuals with disabilities. We have currently placing a much stronger focus in this area to assist employers and their employee's on ways to work and communicate with an individual with a disability. Getting to the right person within the business Transportation – ongoing
OUTCOME BASED INFORMATION Although the economy has been very poor and the increase in minimum wage has been a downside of employment some individuals that have had an increase in the hours Link Associates has only had one individual who lost their employment due to the poor economy The individuals that are able to type and complete applications on line also have this opportunity whether at Link, Work Force, libraries or preferably on site at the business with the assistance of a Job Developer When job placement is found our approach is holistic – full team approach to ensure the consumer’s life has full balance to meet all of their needs Link openly communicate with employers and supervisors asking if there are ways we can improve the services we provide, this includes any other business or employment opportunities
OUTCOME BASED INFORMATION - contd. We set a standard that we are there to assist with training and teaching the individual their new job while working with the employer to maintain their responsibilities as the employer of the individual The ETS completes a safety check of the business as well as semi-annually complete safety training with the individual to ensure they are aware of what to do in variety of emergencies Support hours are reviewed quarterly or semi-annually depending on the individual need - this ensures that we are reducing our presence on the job when necessary as the individual continues to work towards their independence and self-sufficiency Approximately 10 individuals have attained Competitive Employment over the past 1 ½ years and no longer require our services. All continue to be employed with the same employer
MARKETING The Marketing Supervisor and the ETS’ personally contact the employee’s supervisor on a weekly/monthly basis If there are any areas that need improvement or a stronger focus to improve skills, Link utilizes this time as a teachable moment and identifies tools or ways to retrain or correct an identified poor or difficult work skill as a team Marketing Supervisor spends approximately 1/3rd of his time in the community identifying businesses for potential employment for the individuals in our program and shares this information with our Job Developer. Link Associates Supported Employment Program also has a goal to increase our program by 16 new individuals this year – we are currently ahead of schedule and will more than likely surpass this number Link currently is working with 26 different businesses throughout Des Moines and surrounding cities
FACILITATION INCLUSION SOCIALY AT THE CONSUMER’S PLACE OF WORK Currently we have this process in place with several consumers Consumers have had rides to and from work by their co- workers Co-workers have also transported and included the consumers their employment holiday functions or other employer parties Co-workers have taken some responsibilities with the training of consumer’s when they are hired
Contact Jim Tyson – ext. 271 or Contact Toni Abbe – ext