LIANA, OAK, AND PAUL Foot Health Merrill Gardens
Introduction Older adults are at very high risk for foot problems Feet widen and flatten Fat padding on the sole of the foot wears down Dryer skin Can impair balance and function Can be the first sign of trouble in many illnesses related to aging
Heel pain Pain at the front, back, and bottom of heel Causes Faulty biomechanics Heel spurs Plantar Fasciitis Injury Poorly constructed footwear Being overweight
Ingrown Toenails Toenails grow into skin causing pain Causes Improperly trimmed nails Heredity Shoe pressure Crowding of toes Repeated trauma to the feet
Prevention Cut toe nails straight across with clippers Never rip or tear edges of nails Wear shoes that fit well for each activity Do not wear worn out shoes Wear shower shoes in public areas Wear materials that let feet breathe Pace yourself, and rest when needed Wash feet daily Weight loss
Choosing The Right Shoe Breathable material Broad spacious toe area Avoid pointed toes, high heels, and thin soles Shock absorbent sole Small space between longest toe and the toe of the shoe Comfortable Poor fitting shoes can cause corns, calluses, and neuromas
Summer health Limit walking barefoot Stay hydrated Keep blood flowing with foot exercises Don’t wear wet shoes Use a pumice stone to soften callused skin
Exercises: foot pump Steps: Pull your foot up like you are trying to touch your toes to the front of your shin Hold for 10 seconds Work your way up to 3 sets of 30
Bend knee wall stretch Steps: Outstretch your arms to lean against the wall Move one foot forward Slightly bend the back knee until you feel a stretch Hold for 30 seconds Work your way up to 3 sets of 30
Toe Rises Steps: Stand on a stable surface, hold onto a chair or wall for balance Rise up onto your toes Hold for 10 seconds Work your way up to 3 sets of 30
Towel Stretch Steps: Sit with knees straight Loop a towel around foot Pull the towel back until you feel a stretch in your calf Hold for 30 seconds Work your way up to 3 sets of 30
Ice Bottle Roll Steps: Fill a bottle with water and freeze it Roll your foot on the bottle for 10 minutes three times per day