ST.LUCIA To get to st.lucia you travle by boat and playn.Did you know st.lucia is klos to noth amerika and soth amerika.The peple spek french and english.St.lucia is srowded by carben sea.It is asmall island.There are 174/000.So pake your bags. Have you herd abowt st.lucia? In st.lucia you can have a mud barf in the volcano.Tourism is the mian source of income for st.lucia and the industry is its bigest rian forest is wher you can go bike riding.So wodnt like to go. St.lucia has a harber becase torists go there.Castres has shops and pubs/wine the volcan0o can intrupt.But you are sayf in the town.Did you know that houses are mayd by hande.
HURRIKANES On the 1 st of the november