Robin Hood. Storyteller’s track Long time ago, good King Richard left England.


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Presentation transcript:

Robin Hood

Storyteller’s track

Long time ago, good King Richard left England

to go to Holy land on a Great Crusade.

He left his Kingdom to his brother John who wasn't a good King.

When Richard died, John became king but he lost his French possessions

in Normandy and made taxes to get all the poor people’s money.

Robin Hood was the people's only hope.

He was an outlaw who robbed from the rich to feed the poor:

people loved him.

Once upon a time Robin Hood and Little John

were walking through the forest.

They were trying to steal money from rich men

and they were disguised as fortune tellers...

-OO- de lally -OO- de lally fortune tellers !

Would you like to know your horoscope?

Fortune tellers? Stop the carriage!!

But Sir...they might be bandits! Don’t trust them!

I can see they are suspect… Yes, sir … ssssuspect…!

Female bandits? Don't worry Hiss!

I’ m the king of England. I know how to behave

with two young ladies… Hiss, make way !

You have my permission to kiss the royal hand

Oh, How graceful ! Now close your eyes…

Close your eyes! I see..he ‘s appearing..

he’s wearing a crown, he’s handsome, brilliant and loveable...

Yes, yes..I know it. And what??

I see your name !

Yes, I know my name !

But king can’t you see?

They have got all your gold!