Why This Class Costs So Much (And What You Can Do About It) Or A History of the UC Budget
PRICE OF THIS 4 UNIT CLASS FOR A RESIDENT UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT (real dollars) in 2012 $1,155 in 1992 $202.50
Inflation Does Not Explain the Increase Adjusted for inflation, if you paid at the same rate as students in 1992, this four unit class would cost a resident undergraduate $384. Why does it cost so much? Can tuition be lower?
Typical Response to Tuition Complaints: From The Davis Enterprise, Nov. 27, 2011, Letters to the Editor, Get a Job and Quit Whining “Tuition increases are needed to fund your education. You may not like it and it may hurt but that is the reality. Why should the rest of society fund your education? I never asked anyone to fund mine. I worked!” -- David M. Castro (B.S., UC Davis, 1987)
Sources of UC Funds,
Core Fund Expenditures,
Per Student Expenditures for UC Education,
$1.8 Billion How much more money the UC would have for your education if state funding returned to 1991 levels.
Also…. “You won’t be sorry. We’ll do the work; we’ll pay taxes for education and for the social safety net (including Social Security so you older folks won’t retire in poverty). We’ll make California richer, greener, better educated, and more humane. We won’t let you down.”