Worldwide TD Statistics Eric Henry AUS
General There are a total of 401 FIS TDs worldwide from 39 countries. 356 are men and 45 (11%) are women.
Age Statistics The average TD age overall is 52. For the first time… 4 TDs are aged 70 or over and 25% of TDs are aged 60 or over
Qualification Statistics TDs experience ranges from newly qualified to a maximum of 38 years since qualification. The total number of man/woman/years of TD experience among the current TD List is 5,620 years! The average period qualified is 14 years.
Candidates and Applicants There are 18 Candidates from 10 countries, of whom 2 are women. There are 17 Applicants from 8 countries, of whom 1 is a woman.
TD Examiners 98 TDs are designated as TD Examiners (24.4%), from 19 countries and 2 from FIS. 7 of the Examiners (7.1%) are women.
These translated into 877 separate events/TD assignments. The average number of events/assignments carried out was 2.2 per TD. The largest number of events (177) was held by ITA, which had 31 TDs. Events and TD Assignments There were a total of 3,690 separate Alpine races held in ,904 of these were mens races and 1,827 were ladies races, many of which were combined into joint events.
Breakdown of Events by Category
Where to from Here? Assignments. A more complete record of how many assignments each TD carries out each year. This will enhance transparency and ensure that TDs who do not carry out assignments are identified. Categories. A record of which categories TDs are assigned to (eg. CIT, CHI). This will provide useful information on TDs assigned to various categories, so that assignments are spread equitably. Speed Qualifications. A record of TDs who are speed event qualified and records of maintenance of speed event qualifications. This will ensure that, in these litigious times, only those TDs who remain qualified are assigned to speed events.
Update Attendance. A record of attendance at TD Updates. This will also improve transparency and ensure that TDs who do not attend Updates are identified and managed. (ICR Art ) No Assignments. A record of TDs who do not carry out assignments, so that TDs who do carry out assignments are identified and managed. (ICR Art ) Log Books. The only record of a TDs experience. Maintained by the individual, and copied to the TD Commissioner annually, so that the Commissioner can negotiate higher level assignments based upon a transparent record of the individuals skills and experience.
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