Treasure Training 10/11
Treasurer Training 10/11 The Role of the Treasurer Responsible for the club/society account Authorise all payments coming out of the account Responsible for any payments to companies Responsible for keep records and knowing the account balance
Treasurer Training 10/11 Payments into the Account Any member can pay money into your club/society account during reception opening hour 9 – 4.00pm. Payments can be made in cash, card or cheque. If members do pay money in make sure they know to inform you so you can update your copy of the accounts and you know your club balance. When you/members pay money into your account you will receive a receipt from reception.
Treasurer Training 10/11 Payments out of the Account By attending this finance training you have the advantage of being able to use the green form finance system. This system entitles you to with draw money from your account in advance without having a receipt. You must first have a green finance form (these are outside the S&S office) You then fill in who is ‘Claiming the money’ and ‘What the claim is for and how much’ You as treasurer must then sign off the form authorise the money being withdrawn The claimant can then bring the form to S&S office to be authorised by Rob Well or Sam Gill. Then you go to reception to take the money out of the account. (Max £100 claim/ £250 week) The receipts/s for the money must be brought to reception within 48 hours
Treasurer Training 10/11 Keeping your own Club Accounts Club accounts should be kept using the excel system.
Treasurer Training 10/11 Payments out of the Account Purchasing and Ordering If you want to order equipment or make a purchase from a company you need to come through the S&S office to do this. S&S office will then help you make the order and will raise a Purchase Order (PO) The PO is what officially raises the payment for the company to be made, this must be done BEFORE an order can be made. The company will then invoice CUSU directly and the payment will be made by BACS. Payments can take up to 3 weeks to be transferred to companies, if we have not used a company before they will also have to fill in a New Supplier form No orders should be made without going through Rob and/ or Sam first and without raising a PO YOU MUST HAVE ENOUGH MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT TO PAY FOR THE ORDER
Treasurer Training 10/11 Finance Drop in Sessions Finance drop in sessions have been introduced to help you manage your accounts and help if you have any queries or questions. Dates and Times of the drop in sessions: