Making your point: debating
All school assemblies must be delivered as a rap. NOYES
Every student in Britain must walk to school at least once a week. NOYES
The working week and weekend will be swapped around, so people work for two days and then get five days off. NOYES
All students should get EMA NOYES
The driving licence age should be raised to 21. NOYES
Broadcasting Bill The TV licence should be abolished. NOYES
People who don’t vote should lose their right to vote. NOYES
For and Against >In groups of 3: >One person argue for the idea >One person argue against the idea >One person keep ‘score’ >2 minutes
All UK citizens should carry ID cards.
The voting age should be lowered to 16. *
Government & Opposition >We are going to split into Government & Opposition. >Each group will either: Give a 30 second speech as to why everyone should vote for their law OR give a 30 second speech to say why that law won’t work Opens to the floor for a debate
The motion before the House is that due to the negative impact on participants of reality TV shows, this Government suggests that they are banned. ” “
Counter argument >Why will this proposed law not work? >Where do you need more information? >What questions would you like to ask the proposing political party?
The Second Reading The ‘Government’ reads the opening speech The ‘Opposition’ reads their opening speech The rest of the ‘House’ joins in the debate Ends in a vote “AYE” “NO”
Stages of a bill First Reading Second Reading Committee Stage Report Stages Third Reading Lords Stages Royal Assent