Draft Recommendations for Using the Smarter Balanced Assessment in Placement: Working Toward Meaningful K-16 Alignment Bill Moore, State Board for Community.


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Recommendations for Using the Smarter Balanced Assessment in Placement: Working Toward Meaningful K-16 Alignment Bill Moore, State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Director, Core to College Alignment & Transition Mathematics Project Winter Quarter 2014

Overall  General involvement and specific input  Signals that higher education supports the CCSS Specific requests  Buy-in to the college and career readiness definition  Formalized use of 11 th grade assessment in the placement process CCSS Expectations of Higher Education Adapted from Elisabeth Barnett, CCRC WA Core to College web site

stitutehttp:// stitute A Sampling of Common Core Resources

Case for Supporting Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards “Fewer, higher, clearer” expectations Framework for meaningful K-16 “alignment” Opportunity to address equity issues in college preparation and readiness Case for Incorporating Smarter Balanced Assessment into Placement Process Smarter Balanced Assessment Improvement over existing tools (cost, item variety and range, …) Transparency and ownership Opportunity to create incentive for more students to get “college-ready” in high school

Using the 11 th Grade Assessment  College Placement  Full or conditional exemption from developmental course work when entering college  Need to define what evidence of continued learning will be considered appropriate for conditional exemption  Strengthen 12 th Grade “Launch Year”  Encourage dual credit courses for students who are college-ready  Provide targeted curriculum for students who are not yet college-ready

 Developing common understanding of academic “rigor” and grades, not just course titles, topics  Creating opportunities for shared inquiry about discipline and teaching/learning  Building relational trust between college faculty and high school teachers Making K-16 Alignment Meaningful by:

Core to College System Policy Timetable System policy work group (Fall 2013) Cross- sector summit gathering (Fall 2014) Confirm SB participation commitment (before January 2015) Develop specific proposal for SB use in higher education Review and endorse proposal Showcase local school/ college partnerships System group and institutional review (Winter Spring 2014)

SMARTER BALANCED SCORE 12 TH GRADE REQUIREMENTS POSTSECONDARY PLACEMENT OPTIONS BASED ON SCORE Intensive support, retesting Post-algebra II or college readiness math course** Senior English or college readiness course** Liberal arts math, statistics No additional requirements* Any entry-level college course * High school students take 4 years of English; students planning for baccalaureate institutions required to take math or QR course in senior year ** “College readiness “ courses will include required end-of-course assessment LEVEL 4 (college-ready) Math or English: Any entry-level college course LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 (college-ready) LEVEL 2 Other entry-level college math courses Entry-level college courses (to be determined) Any entry-level college course No additional requirements* Post-algebra II math course MATH ENGLISH No additional requirements * ENGLISH MATH Math or English: Additional placement information/testing needed for all entry-level college courses DRAFT SMARTER BALANCED RECOMMENDATIONS

SMARTER BALANCED SCORE 12 TH GRADE REQUIREMENTS POSTSECONDARY PLACEMENT OPTIONS BASED ON SCORE Intensive support, retesting (Entry placement testing required) Post-algebra II or college readiness math course** Senior English or college readiness course** Liberal arts math, statistics No additional requirements* Any entry-level college course * High school students take 4 years of English; students planning for baccalaureate institutions required to take math or QR course in senior year ** “College readiness “ courses will include required end-of-course assessment LEVEL 4 (college-ready) Math or English: Any entry-level college course LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 (college-ready) LEVEL 2 Other entry-level college math courses Entry-level college courses (to be determined) Any entry-level college course No additional requirements* Post-algebra II math course MATH ENGLISH No additional requirements * ENGLISH MATH Math or English: Any entry-level college course DRAFT SMARTER BALANCED RECOMMENDATIONS Rationale for College-Ready Recommendations  Projected top third (10% in level 4) of students on assessment: generally on track for baccalaureate institutions, taking English and math/quantitative reasoning courses in senior year  Level 3 contingencies (Math): uncertainty about preparation for STEM pathway in math without assurance of advanced math in senior year  Level 3 contingencies (English): confidence that these students would maintain English literacy skills over time period involved

SMARTER BALANCED SCORE 12 TH GRADE REQUIREMENTS POSTSECONDARY PLACEMENT OPTIONS BASED ON SCORE Intensive support, retesting Post-algebra II or college readiness math course** Senior English or college readiness course** Liberal arts math, statistics No additional requirements* Any entry-level college course * High school students take 4 years of English; students planning for baccalaureate institutions required to take math or QR course in senior year ** “College readiness “ courses will include required end-of-course assessment LEVEL 4 (college-ready) Math or English: Any entry-level college course LEVEL 1 LEVEL 3 (college-ready) LEVEL 2 Other entry-level college math courses Entry-level college courses (to be determined) Any entry-level college course No additional requirements* Post-algebra II math course MATH ENGLISH No additional requirements * ENGLISH MATH DRAFT SMARTER BALANCED RECOMMENDATIONS Rationale for Below-College-Ready Recommendations  Level 2 contingency: Some portion of these students (representing ~40% of students on assessment) could enroll in college-readiness transition courses: successful completion would ensure no remediation or additional testing at college entry  No contingency available for students in level 1 Math or English: Additional placement information/testing needed for all entry-level college courses

Feedback Process/Timetable  Collectively through discussions at system group meetings during the winter quarter  Individually via general comments at OR more targeted and specific feedback through an online survey:  Deadline: April 1, 2014

Discussion  Reactions to the recommendations: questions, concerns, language clarifications, …?  Pragmatic implementation issues: what’s missing and needs to be addressed, who needs to be consulted, …?