Individual Family Service Planning 2 SN May C. Dale Library A-105 7, 9 p.m. L. Dobson, Ashtonbee Campus Library
2 4 campus libraries Ashtonbee - Rm A-105 Progress Science & Technology Centre Creative Communications Centre
Libraries website many resources & services available 24/7
Get your Library card from Library Staff Bring your timetable with student number & photo ID You need to get a Library Card & PIN from Library Staff to have access off campus (“Remote Access”)
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8 Research skills = key to success Get good resources to support your lab & class work Save valuable time getting assignments done Develop skills for lifelong learning & career development
What is a scholarly article? How do I recognize one? Scholarly articles Authoritative, well researched & documented (in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes). Most are peer reviewed = highest research quality General articles are not documented 9
1010 “Peer reviewed” articles Highest standard “Refereed” ; that is, a committee of scholars must approve quality before the editor publishes Many are published by university presses Most databases allow you to limit to peer reviewed 10
11 Primary research Primary (adjective) (defined in the Oxford English Dictionary Online) “Not subordinate to or derived from anything else…the source or cause of something; fundamental; original… In the context of academic research or writing: designating source material contemporary with the period or thing studied; designating an original document, source, or text rather than one of criticism, discussion, or summary.” 11
What newspapers offer… Current info – news! Hot topics Debates, different viewpoints & opinions Analysis & background info Tips on research studies, government policies & other publications 12
What Statistics Offer… Good quality data collection provides accurate, factual information 13
Statistics Canada sources Educational e-resource Internet source (some free, some $$)
In the Library… Ashtonbee campus Ashtonbee campus Progress campus Progress campus 15
Libraries web site
LIBRARY & RESEARCH … 19 Library catalogue For books For videos E- resources Journal & newspaper articles E-books E- encyclopedias Internet Websites Blogs Multimedia Etc.
Articles research - licensed databases Centennial Libraries offers over 80 e- resources ( also called databases) Logon required off campus Many available both on and off campus 24/7 20
Articles research - on the Internet - Google Scholar
Internet vs. E-resources Internet More general content on average Quality varies widely Huge resource Some cost $$ E-resources More scholarly content on average More consistent reliable quality Commercial free Cost free for students 23
24 e-resources How to use them?… They have TOOLS to help you search your topics (See your handout) Use the help screens provided Ask the staff for help
Help to create your bibliography… Software licensed by Centennial Libraries Provides direct export of citations from e- resources any format (APA, MLA, etc.)
Tutorials & help available Open an account Group Code for off campus access
About 6 Pathways to e- resources…
E-Resources by Subject page
31 2 examples of e-resources in child studies… ERIC ERIC EBSCOhost Full text and indexing of education journals & reports from 1966 to present. Topics include teaching methodology, continuing and professional education, counseling and social work, educational technology, and child care issues. Canadian Reference Centre Canadian Reference Centre EBSCOhost Full-text Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires and reference books in all subject areas, plus leading international (U.S. and U.K.) periodicals. Includes full-text reference books, full text biographies and an Image Collection of 300,000 photos, maps and flags
Sample article record…Note the fields…
THESAURUS Tab is usually named thesaurus or subjects or topics – It helps you find good search terms & phrases Use to increase your chances of success, or if you are having trouble
3434 “CONCEPT” vs. “KEYWORD” CONCEPT = an idea KEYWORD = language term (expresses concept) Many possibilities: ○ Synonyms ○ Different spellings of same word, singular, plural, etc. ○ More general terms ○ More specific terms ○ Any terms that relate in some way 34
35 Printing & Photocopying Bookstore sells copicards : Computer Labs paper copicards ($1.50 minimum) Library plastic copicards ($2.00 minimum) Costs PRINTING – 5 cents / copy PHOTOCOPYING in the Library– 10 cents / copy (plastic copicards or money (coins) accepted - Change machine in the Library to add money to copicards)