What’s all this TALK about SOCIAL MEDIA? By: Carissa Caricato & Annie Morales
Social Media Goals Be a Resource Be a Channel to Communicate Reach People in New Ways Engage Target Audiences Provide Relevant Information Brand Personality
Social Media Policy What you do on our social networks directly affects us!
What is Social Media? Social media is used for starting conversations in public spaces Connect and Engage with audiences Way to keep communication flowing It’s a fun, interactive and technological way to share information and introduce more people to the organization
Why use Social Media? It’s everywhere! It’s a new opportunity to reach out to many age groups Raise awareness about an organization’s mission and messages Gain support for our cause People are talking about us. Why not join the conversation?
Social Media is… R elevant I nsightful G enuine H umorous T imely
Five Circles of Commitment Community Uninvolved and Unaware Visitor Aware Volunteer Involved Donor Board Member Sustainer Engaged Committed
It’s a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD Social Media World…
Social Media Tools Blogs Create a personal, interactive site that allows you to spread information to the public Audience can comment on blogs and start conversations Web 2.0 Timely, fresh content
What is the Crisis Center doing?
Turn your Blog into a Vlog: Make it Fun!
Social Media Tools Facebook Fan Page Create a business presence to engage with your community and fans on Facebook. Facebook Cause Great a Cause for members to support and raise awareness for. Anyone can donate to a cause.
What is the Crisis Center doing? 224 fans on Facebook Fan Page Help.Hope.Healing. Cause with 197 Members
Social Media Tools LinkedIn – Relationships Matter
What is the Crisis Center doing?
Social Media Tools YouTube Channel- You are the media!
What is the Crisis Center doing?
Social Media Tools Twitter Microblogging is a way to send short blasts of information to people that care, your followers. Media attention. Widgets for Web sites. SEO. Promote key messages, sponsors, news, and events. What are you doing? 140 characters
What is the Crisis Center doing?
Social Media Tools Brand Tampa Connecting people who care about and love the Tampa Bay community participants and growing. Media connections. Voice on issues affecting Tampa. Connect to local causes.
What is the Crisis Center doing?
Social Media Tools Do Good Channel at Tampabay.com
Crisis Center “Do Good” page
Help People Connect through our Web site
Our Bloggers