Prewriting Developmental Writing
Types of Prewriting Prewriting Reading Talking Freewriting Brainstorming Journaling Internet Search
Talking Utilizing the people around you to discuss a topic is a great way to get started on your writing. It is important to talk to people who will be beneficial in helping you with additional information or inspiration for your writing.
Talking Some examples would be your fellow students, instructors, family members, and other knowledgeable people. When using this as your prewriting activity make sure to take notes during the conversation or your ideas will be lost.
Freewriting When you use freewriting to generate ideas it is important to keep writing about anything that is on your mind. This is a good way to prewrite when you are still trying to find a topic for your writing.
Freewriting Mechanical and spelling errors do not matter and should not be considered if you are to use this type of prewriting.
Freewriting When freewriting don't be concerned if you stray from a topic, but keep writing during the freewriting period. Much of the content will not be used, but will be a great source for helping you decide on a topic later. You can later select a topic then focus on it during a freewriting session.
Brainstorming When you brainstorm for a topic you will write down words or phrases that occur to you or the group as they come to mind. This type of rewriting is a common method and most of you will have done this before. You can use prewriting method with or without a topic in mind, or you can start out very broad then become specific with your brainstorming ideas.
Journals and Blogs Journaling and blogging are great ways to do some prewriting and also a good practice for recoding your daily thoughts, inspirations, and emotions. It is the most useful when it is done consistently and in a relaxed atmosphere. Journaling can be used to provide ideas for writing later and is a good way to practice your writing skills.
Searching the Internet If you have the Internet as an accessible resource it is a great way to browse for writing ideas. You have the opportunity to read reviews, blogs, journals, and news from other sources and give you to get some basic information about your topic.
Reading Reading magazines, books, and newspapers is a great way to look for ideas to discuss. It also begins your writing with some information on the topic making you informed on the subject before you begin developing your ideas in writing.