Francis Gilbert Learn the plot of Dr Jekyll in five minutes…
Sequencing exercise 1. Jekyll tells his story, talking about his essential dual nature, his search for a potion which will enable him to become someone else, his transformation into Hyde. He explains how Hyde begins to take over. He can no longer control his transformations. Jekyll has become utterly corrupted 2. Jekyll continues to decline. A strange man is spotted in his house. At the request of Jekyll’s servant, Poole, Utterson breaks into Jekyll’s laboratory and finds Hyde lying dead, dwarfed by Jekyll’s larger clothes. 3. The pompous Lanyon is also much changed, apparently mortally ill and wanting nothing to do with Jekyll 4. Hyde arrives at Lanyon’s house, mixes a potion and becomes Jekyll before Lanyon’s eyes 5.The first part of the story is told from the perspective of Utterson, a lawyer, in which he tells us about his ‘kinsman’ or cousin, Mr Enfield, witnessing a brutal assault upon an eight-year-old child. 6. Suspecting that Jekyll is involved with this brutal character, Utterson spies upon Hyde and meets him. He suspects that Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde. 7. London is shocked by the murder of Danvers Carew, a respectable MP. Hyde is suspected. His flat is raided but he is not found. 8. Lanyon dies. He has written a letter which is not to be opened until Jekyll dies or disappears. 9. We meet the slick, superficial Dr Lanyon and hear about Jekyll’s strange experiments. 10.When Utterson visits Jekyll, he finds him sick and depressed. He suspects that Jekyll has forged a letter to protect Hyde. Hyde has vanished. Jekyll once again joins society, socialising widely. For two months, Jekyll is once again the respectable man, but then returns to seclusion.
Sequencing exercise 10. Jekyll tells his story, talking about his essential dual nature, his search for a potion which will enable him to become someone else, his transformation into Hyde. He explains how Hyde begins to take over. He can no longer control his transformations. Jekyll has become utterly corrupted 8. Jekyll continues to decline. A strange man is spotted in his house. At the request of Jekyll’s servant, Poole, Utterson breaks into Jekyll’s laboratory and finds Hyde lying dead, dwarfed by Jekyll’s larger clothes. 6. The pompous Lanyon is also much changed, apparently mortally ill and wanting nothing to do with Jekyll 9. Hyde arrives at Lanyon’s house, mixes a potion and becomes Jekyll before Lanyon’s eyes 1.The first part of the story is told from the perspective of Utterson, a lawyer, in which he tells us about his ‘kinsman’ or cousin, Mr Enfield, witnessing a brutal assault upon an eight-year-old child. 2. Suspecting that Jekyll is involved with this brutal character, Utterson spies upon Hyde and meets him. He suspects that Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde. 4. London is shocked by the murder of Danvers Carew, a respectable MP. Hyde is suspected. His flat is raided but he is not found. 7. Lanyon dies. He has written a letter which is not to be opened until Jekyll dies or disappears. 3. We meet the slick, superficial Dr Lanyon and hear about Jekyll’s strange experiments. 5.When Utterson visits Jekyll, he finds him sick and depressed. He suspects that Jekyll has forged a letter to protect Hyde. Hyde has vanished. Jekyll once again joins society, socialising widely. For two months, Jekyll is once again the respectable man, but then returns to seclusion.
Sequencing exercise 1.The first part of the story is told from the perspective of Utterson, a lawyer, in which he tells us about his ‘kinsman’ or cousin, Mr Enfield, witnessing a brutal assault upon an eight-year-old child. 2. Suspecting that Jekyll is involved with this brutal character, Utterson spies upon Hyde and meets him. He suspects that Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde. 3. We meet the slick, superficial Dr Lanyon and hear about Jekyll’s strange experiments. 4. London is shocked by the murder of Danvers Carew, a respectable MP. Hyde is suspected. His flat is raided but he is not found. 5.When Utterson visits Jekyll, he finds him sick and depressed. He suspects that Jekyll has forged a letter to protect Hyde. Hyde has vanished. Jekyll once again joins society, socialising widely. For two months, Jekyll is once again the respectable man, but then returns to seclusion. 6. The pompous Lanyon is also much changed, apparently mortally ill and wanting nothing to do with Jekyll 7. Lanyon dies. He has written a letter which is not to be opened until Jekyll dies or disappears. 8. Jekyll continues to decline. A strange man is spotted in his house. At the request of Jekyll’s servant, Poole, Utterson breaks into Jekyll’s laboratory and finds Hyde lying dead, dwarfed by Jekyll’s larger clothes. 9. Hyde arrives at Lanyon’s house, mixes a potion and becomes Jekyll before Lanyon’s eyes 10. Jekyll tells his story, talking about his essential dual nature, his search for a potion which will enable him to become someone else, his transformation into Hyde. He explains how Hyde begins to take over. He can no longer control his transformations. Jekyll has become utterly corrupted
What makes the story interesting? Think of at least three aspects of the story that interest you…
My thoughts The plot is full of DRAMATIC ACTION: the beating of a child, the murder of an innocent old man, the disgrace, degradation and death of a very respectable doctor The plot is full of MYSTERY: on first reading, many C19th readers were genuinely AMAZED by the central plot twist that Jekyll IS Hyde. The plot is told by MULTIPLE narrators: Utterson the lawyer, Lanyon the scientist, Poole the butler and, of course, Henry Jekyll
Your own thoughts… What does the story make you FEEL emotionally? What does the story make you SEE in your mind? What does the story make you THINK? What ideas does it provoke?