5 th Grade
The Dream Team! Sra. Chavez Mrs. Rose Education – USD BA Diversified liberal arts Multi-Subject Clear Credential w/BCLAD Spanish Supplemental Credential Masters in Education Literacy Administrative Credential Classroom experience 14 years teaching Taught 4-6 th grades Education - SDSU BA – Social Science Multiple Subject Clear credential w/CLAD Education Point Loma University Masters in Education Leadership Administrative Credential Classroom experience 17 years teaching Taught 5-8 th grades
Active Around Hedenkamp Sra. Chavez Mrs. Rose PTA Instructional Leadership Team Ensemble Dual Immersion Leadership Team PTA Instructional Leadership Team Ensemble Student Council Advisor We believe in raising honest, independent citizens that think critically and respect ALL People.
Requested Supplies for each student: A One-subject spiral with pockets (8.5” by 11”) TWO 3-subject spirals with pockets (8.5” by 11”) Dry Erase Markers (3-5 per quarter) Whiteboard Eraser (sock) We will supply: White board Pencils Colored pencils Markers Glue sticks Pencil Box
These Supplies will help make our classrooms complete Kleenex Baby wipes Hand Sanitizer Copy Paper Card Stock Paper Post-it Notes Index Cards Dry Erase Markers Mr. Sketch Markers Ziplocs Wish List
Here are just a few tips how parents can help... Punctuality- Make sure students are on time & ready to learn. Ask your child what they learned each day. Hold your child accountable for their school responsibilities. Homework Drop Spot & Study Area: - Provide a quiet time and place to study with the necessary supplies. Monitor and limit TV programs & video games. -No electronics 1 hour before bedtime Read together & encourage your child to write. Provide learning experiences outside of school. Wish List
Nuts and Bolts... Please consult your communication handout for Necessary websites. Honesty, Respect, Responsibility, & Hard Work A Positive Attitude Class Dojo—Positive/Negative Behaviors Making Better Choices Slip Restroom Policy (Shouldn’t impede others learning) Rewards for GOOD BEHAVIOR (Dojo + Terrific Tickets)
Academic Expectations RIGOROUS 5 th grade standards Work Quality is CRUCIAL! Rubrics/Grades are all based on: CA Common Core Standards 4 = Exceeding standards 3= Meeting standards 2 = Approaching standards 1 = 1 or 2 years below
Reading Word Analysis & Fluency Comprehension & Response to Literature Ability to read varied genres independently Ability to evaluate expository sources for accurate information Students MUST always be engaged in reading a book of their own choice Read “Cuz U Luv it!”
Common Core Writing Standards 6 Traits of Writing Sentence Fluency Word Choice Voice Ideas Organization Conventions Forms of Writing: OPINION Narrative Explanatory/Informational Research Projects
NO Spelling Lists – they don’t work! Analyze: Prefixes & Suffixes Multiple Meaning Words Greek & Latin Roots Parts of Speech Sentence construction Grammar rules
Common Core Math Standards Math Decimals, algebra, geometry, graphing, volume, fractions, fractions and more fractions! Conceptual 8 Common Core Math Practices
Science is a MAJOR focus in 5 th grade Science CST in May?? Next Generation Science Standards Weather and Space Matter and Energy Living Systems Water Investigation & Experimentation
*American Geography* Multiple Perspectives -America up to 1850 Native Americans Explorers Early English Settlers 13 Colonies – COLONIAL DAY Revolutionary War Constitution Westward Expansion
Listening & Speaking CA Common Core Standards Every student will be required to present in front of their peers in all curricular areas - both formally and informally. Expressing oneself verbally is an essential skill for success in all areas of life.
Type overview of homework assignments here... Approximately 1 hr. to 1 hr. 30 min./day - 4 days a week READ EVERY DAY! Monthly HW Menu—Assignments due each Tuesday. Many assignments will be done electronically. Homework serves as practice for skills already taught. Students should take home journals to reference. Responsibility, organization, and attention to quality are ESSENTIAL. All students are responsible for work missed during an absence unless arrangements have been made with teacher.
Type overview of homework assignments here...
Communication = Success! Class Dojo - Behavior reports Peachjar – extracurricular school e-flyers Hedenkamp.wordpress.com – school website Engrade – online free gradebook Edmodo – Homework, class information Remind 101 – App that alerts you with classroom reminders – Please with ANY questions
More trips are being planned… Colonial Day – Sept. 12 th Biztown – Nov. 20 th USS Midway- March 2015 Rueben H. Fleet Science Center 100% Walking Field Trip (to Sunbow) - June
type here 8:45-10Math 10-11:45Reading 11:45Switch 11:45-12:30 Grammar/ Word Study 1:15-2Writing 2:00-3:00Social Studies 3-3:15PE -M: Fitness -T: Running -W: Dance -Th: Sports PE Testing In March -curl ups -pacer -Push ups -Stretch -weight -Height
5 th Grade