My Life Book By Anne By Anne
My Name is Anne and I live in Quarriers Village Bridge of Weir
This is me at my Internet Club
THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE CHAPTER 1 When I was younger and I went to school they all said to me that there was nothing that I could ever learn. Now that I am much older and I am now long left school no doubt they would all get a great shock if they only knew the many skills that I have worked for and I can proudly now do.
THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE CHAPTER 1 When I was younger and I went to school they all said to me that there was nothing that I could ever learn. Now that I am much older and I am now long left school no doubt they would all get a great shock if they only knew the many skills that I have worked for and I can proudly now do.
My life Story Alan
School and early years I was born in Fraserburgh in Sept 1942 and As I started to grow up and went to my first school, I ended up being taken to Hospital for tests and it came out that I had Epilepsy. This affected the things I really wanted to do, like being a painter and decorator, which was my main aim, as I would not be able to use ladders.
Hobbies and entertainment My main hobby is needlework and indoor bowls, I play for the Bridge of Weir British legion and so far I have won the doubles trophy and I received the trophy for being the most improved player
Parliament To finish of my story I received an invitation to go to the Scottish Parliament for a cross party meeting and I felt like an MP for the day. There was MSP’s spread throughout the building as well, so it was a day for me to remember.
My Life Story BY VIOLET
I am Violet (on left) and this is my life story. I was born in India in Calcutta and then brought up in Darjeeling by my Mother and Father. My Father was British and my Mother from Nepal.
When I was 18 years old Dr. Minto who came to visit us all at my school in India asked me if I would like to come to Scotland to control my epilepsy and get better treatment. Since then Quarriers has been my home. It is good to keep in touch with my brother and old school friends by computer nearly every week at the classes we come to every Friday.
Thank you for reading my story and I do hope you all liked it. The End