TFPAI Training: Technology Facilitators Introduce trainers and principals Explain that the TFPAI was approved by the State Board of Education in July 2003 after a year-long pilot in 4 NC LEAs: Carteret County, Harnett County, Watauga County, and Wake County. The principals and technology facilitators in these 4 LEAs validated the TFPAI as a fair and accurate evaluation instrument that reflects the technology facilitator job description: Whether or not the technology facilitator is full-time in a single school or serves multiple schools from a central office station Whether or not the technology facilitator works in an elementary, middle, or high school Whether or not the technology facilitator has an 077 or 079 or is working toward it Have participants examine the agenda, especially taking note of the training goals. Caveat: the beginning of training will require “lecturing.” Activities in second half of training are designed to build inter-rater reliability (if seeing the same performance, all principals would rate the technology facilitator the same). Explain that the goal is that everyone will be able to identify the difference between satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance by the end of the training. Examine the training materials. Instructional Technology Division NCDPI
TFPAI Rating Scale Based on TPAI scale The rating scale is based on the four point scale used in the TPAI-R: Above Standard, At Standard, Below Standard, and Unsatisfactory
Above Standard Performance is consistently above defined job expectations. The technology facilitator demonstrates outstanding teaching practice and program management skills. The technology facilitator seeks to provide leadership; take initiative; expand scope of competencies; and undertakes additional, appropriate responsibilities. DPI recommends that the above expectations be used to define Above Standard performance by a media coordinator. The underlined sections of each bullet are key to Above Standard performance. Remember the key words during the activities that follow: Consistently above Outstanding Leadership Initiative Additional appropriate responsibilities
At Standard Performance is consistently adequate/acceptable. Teaching practices fully meet all performance expectations at an acceptable level. The technology facilitator maintains an adequate scope of competencies and performs additional responsibilities as assigned. The underlined sections of each bullet are key to At Standard performance. Remember the key words during the activities that follow: consistently adequate/acceptable Meet all performance expectations Adequate scope of competencies Additional responsibilities as assigned A media coordinator who’s performance is At Standard is doing a good job but lacks some of the initiative and leadership qualities of Above Standard performance.
Below Standard Performance within this function is sometimes inadequate/unacceptable and needs improvement. The technology facilitator requires supervision and assistance to maintain an adequate scope of competencies and sometimes fails to perform additional responsibilities as assigned. The underlined sections of each bullet are key to Below Standard performance. Remember the key words during the activities that follow: Sometimes inadequate/unacceptable Needs improvement Requires supervision and assistance Sometimes fails to perform additional responsibilities as assigned A media coordinator who’s performance is Below Standard is not consistently performing up to expectations in all Functions. In some practices, the media coordinator may be performing at an Unsatisfactory level. A Below Standard rating requires the implementation of an Improvement Plan monitored by the principal.
Unsatisfactory Performance is consistently inadequate/unacceptable and most practices require considerable improvement to meet minimum performance expectations. The technology facilitator requires close and frequent supervision in the performance of all responsibilities. The underlined sections of each bullet are key to Unsatisfactory performance. Remember the key words during the activities that follow: Consistently inadequate/unacceptable Requires considerable improvement Requires close and frequent supervision Unsatisfactory requires documentation for dismissal.
Rating Scale Obstructionist Proactive Two words to remember in determining performance: proactivity and obstructionism. The more proactive a media coordinator, the higher the performance rating; the more obstructionist, the lower the rating.
Observations Career status One annual interview or shadowing evaluation by principal or designee (in place of snapshots) The North Carolina General Assembly through General Statue GS-115C-333 requires the evaluation of instructional staff in public schools. GS-115C-333 defines a minimum observation schedule for instructional staff. Local boards of education have the flexibility to create school system policy that defines a different system of observations in place of the state system. Career status and provisional status staff have different observation cycles. Career status media coordinators are required to follow the full observation schedule during renewal years (see notes on next slide).
If new media coordinators have career status as a teacher, they would have career status as a media coordinator. However, administrators may wish to use the full observation cycle to monitor the employee during their first year in a new position. Observation is not required but suggested for part-time staff.
Observations Provisional/Non-career status One instructional activity observation One interview One shadowing by principal/designee One observation by peer (not mentor) One cumulative evaluation by principal/designee The instructional activity observation is suggested as the first observation. If that observation is successful, other evaluation methods are suggested to address functions two and three of the performance appraisal instrument. Support documents such as the Matrix of Data Sources included in this training kit are designed to help media coordinators with suggestions on how to prepare for their evaluations including interviews and shadowing.
Under NC GS-115C-333 provisional or non-career status is defined as: A certified media coordinator with less that four years experience as a media coordinator or in other instructional staff positions A certified media coordinator with any amount of experience who has transferred into North Carolina from another state A uncertified lateral-entry media coordinator who is working on certification or a certified teacher who has not attained career status as a teacher
What does a good instructional technology facilitator do? Give the following viewing prompts prior to showing the TFPAI video: This video gives an overview of a technology facilitator’s job, but cannot highlight every single aspect Highlights all school levels: elementary, middle, high People featured are from the pilot LEAs Look for the 3 different functions: teaching and learning, information access and delivery, program administration Note how they differ from school level to school level Note particularly who the technology facilitator is collaborating with and how Follow the video by asking the following guiding questions: What did you notice about the technology facilitator’s job? Who were they working with? What were some of the things they were doing throughout the school day? Note that the technology facilitator’s position is a “stealth” position, under the radar, supporting classroom teachers and students (unless something is going wrong) Describe the collaboration you saw taking place Did it differ from school level to school level? Could you delineate between the functions? (Hopefully participants will note how these functions cross back and forth and collaboration is the key to making all this work.) Good time for break!
3 Major Functions Planning and Facilitating Teaching and Learning Planning and Facilitating Information Access and Delivery Planning and Facilitating Program Administration The three major functions of the appraisal instrument are based on the national standards from: the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) the Educational Computing and Technology Standards for Technology Facilitation. Also based on state guidelines in IMPACT: Guidelines for Media and Technology Programs Key phrase in each function is “planning and facilitating” – reflects fundamental role of the technology facilitator in working with others to plan and facilitate effective services that support the total instructional program.
Collaboration is the key to impacting student achievement. Major component of all functions is the collaborative role of the technology facilitator in working with teachers and the media coordinator to impact student achievement. This collaborative role has been validated by the research. Technology facilitator collaborates with teachers, the media coordinator, parents – everyone! Principal facilitates collaboration by: Emphasizing the expectation that teachers will collaborate with the technology facilitator Creating time for collaboration to occur on a regular basis
Observation Activity See TFPAI Observation Practice Activity and the TFPAI document: The purpose of the activity is to for administrators to begin exploring the appraisal instrument and reflect on the many responsibilities and services of the technology facilitator. Technology facilitators are asked to consider each example on the activity sheet and determine what function and practice it represents (e.g. 3.3) Allow about 10 minutes and then check the answers together Many of the examples can have multiple answers – this is okay because technology facilitator practices are often cross functional Responsibilities can be considered for more than one function, but principals decide in which function a responsibility will be emphasized for the purpose of the final evaluation
Teaching and Learning Practices Instruction - Note 1.2 Make this your first observation If teaching is satisfactory, move on to interview/shadowing observations If teaching is unsatisfactory, outline suggestions for improvement and observe again How to use the TPAI within the TFPAI Instruction is one of the most important parts of a tech facilitators job. Refer to FODI Inserted under 1.4 is the teacher observation information. We recommend that observation of an instructional activity be the first observation. If the principal is satisfied and has no concerns, we recommend that they use an interview or shadowing for the next observation. If the principal is not satisfied, they need to work with you on a plan for improvement.
Teaching and Learning Modeling technology integration Facilitating in tech programs/activities Staff development Collaborating with teachers with media coordinator Modeling Many time teachers are not comfortable with technology. As the TF you can assist teachers with this fear through modeling. You should work with teachers to plan integration ideas. The first time the teacher takes the students to the lab, you could lead the lesson if needed. The second time the teacher would lead the lesson and you would be there for guidance. The next time you should allow the teacher to teach the lesson without you. Tech programs You should be the point of contact for your school for special activities. You should lead or co-lead special events such as Tech Fairs, Computer Learning Month Activities, PTO presentations, etc. Staff Development This covers the staff development that you offer to teachers and the staff development for you. Teacher Staff Development You should assess the needs of your staff to determine staff development for the year. Staff development should be varied year to year based on the needs of your staff. Your Personal Staff Development It is very important that you continue your learning. It is important that you find time to attend a yearly conference. You should return with new ideas and resources to share. You should be an active participant in regional and LEA meetings and workshops. Collaboration Research shows that collaboration has a huge impact on student achievement. As the TF, you should be working with teachers and the media coordinator to address the needs of the students. Schedules should permit you time to sit down and plan with these individuals on a regular basis. You should go to the planning meeting with some knowledge of what the teacher is going to be working with students on. You need to go with ideas and resources that you can suggest.
Information Access and Delivery Practices Availability of the computer lab and access to its resources The technology facilitator’s role is to create and maintain an environment in which technology supports instruction. The technology facilitator helps teachers integrate technology into classroom instruction. Information Access and Delivery practices address the technology infrastructure and access to hardware and technology resources.
Information Access and Delivery Practices Best Practices Flexible access to facility/resources Technology infrastructure Hardware/software issues Copyright/ethics There are eight practices under the Information Access and Delivery function. This slide provides a general overview of all eight. Best practices The technology facilitator: is familiar with outstanding practice in using technology to support teaching and learning. plans, designs, and models technology in effective learning environments. assists teachers in developing lesson plans that incorporate technology and computer skills objectives promotes partnerships with the community, parents, and business to support academic success. Flexible access to facility/resources works with administration and staff to provide access to the technology facility and resources of the school when needed by teachers and students. Function 1 addresses flexible access to the services of the technology facilitator. Hardware/software issues works with teachers and the school’s media coordinator to select appropriate technology resources to support teaching and learning. determines that resources obtained through the school selection process will be compatible with the school’s technology infrastructure. Technology infrastructure has input into the design and planning for the school’s network/technology infrastructure. assists in maintaining the infrastructure and technology resources of the school serves as the school contact for central office in dealing with infrastructure issues. Copyright/ethics adheres to all policies and laws pertaining to the ethical use of technology resources (e.g., copyright). Assists teachers in understanding the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology.
Program Administration Practices Policies and procedures for effective instructional technology administration The focus of the practices in this function is the management of the technology program in order to provide appropriate services that support the integration of instructional technology with the total curriculum.
Program Administration Practices Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) Technology program Technology plan Resources Evaluation of the technology program Budget The technology facilitator co-leads the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) with the media coordinator – this is part of the collaborative role. The technology facilitator enlists the assistance of team members in: planning technology program priorities, services, and activities revising the building-level technology plan evaluating and selecting appropriate instructional technology resources The technology facilitator should periodically evaluate how the media program is meeting the needs of students and staff by using established standards and guidelines, such as program rubrics in IMPACT: Guidelines for Media and Technology Programs The technology facilitator also should collaborate with the Media and Technology Advisory Committee (MTAC) to develop an annual budget that includes instructional technology resources.
Program Administration Practices Effective interaction Accurate reporting Non-instructional duties The technology facilitator’s role is highly dependent on the ability to interact effectively with everyone: students, staff, and parents. The principal should observe this interaction throughout the year through formal and informal observations and in a variety of settings. A technology facilitator should complete required reports such as the Annual Media and Technology Report accurately and by established deadlines. An important way that a technology facilitator can fulfill responsibilities for non-instructional duties is by serving on one or more school-based committees where the technology facilitator can offer a total school perspective. Due to site-based management, it is suggested that a technology facilitator have a conversation with the principal during the evaluation process about how this responsibility will be fulfilled.
Post-it Activity We have looked closer into each function. Not let’s look at what you do each week and see where you fits. Hand out small post-its. Ask them to brainstorm in a group everything that they do during a week. After brainstorming, ask them to post the items on the large posters where they fit best.
Getting Ready for YOUR Evaluation What can you do to have a successful evaluation. Let take a look
How can you have a successful evaluation? It’s all about TIME Organization is the key The challenge for technology facilitators is finding the time to get everything done. Good organizational skills throughout the year are the key to being prepared for the evaluation process. The following slides provides some strategies and tips.
Scheduling Time with Flexible Access Keep a plan book in your office or on the network (teachers do not sign up their own classes). Set up a color-coded folder for each class in a posting tub,hanging file rack, or on the network. Record activities and dates for each class. We realize that flexible access is not always a reality, but it is important to advocate for it. Teachers need to talk with you before scheduling a time.
Include worksheets, teacher hand-outs, notes etc. in the class files. Check the files periodically to see who needs coaxing (the “chuckwagon approach” doesn’t work with everyone). Reuse the files each year, adding new records
Planning with Teachers Take the file(s)/notes with you when planning with a teacher or team. Be prepared to share suggestions and ideas for activities, lessons, units, etc. Schedule dates for working with students.
Preparing for Your Observations The following slides can be presented as a simulation/role play if the trainer is able to enlist the assistance of another person who takes on the role of the principal while the trainer becomes the technology facilitator who is being observed.
Observation Preparation Document planning meetings Have lesson plan/activities ready Be ready to discuss: the curriculum the resources the learning styles addressed the integration strategies final outcome/evaluation The “principal” says to the “technology facilitator”: “I need to observe a lesson that you are teaching. What do you suggest?” The “technology facilitator” negotiates a time to meet with the “principal” to explain what the lesson will cover. Following the simulated dialogue, the trainer explains the points on the slide: The technology facilitator should provide evidence of collaborative planning such as notes, dates of planning recorded in the class file, etc. The technology facilitator should explain the lesson plan or instructional activity Discussion should include: curriculum objectives relevant resources that will be used how various learning styles will be addressed the intended outcome of the lesson or activity and how it will be evaluated
Shadowing Preparation What do you want to demonstrate: Planning meeting? Staff development? Small group instruction? Working with MTAC? The “principal” says to the “technology facilitator”: “I’d like to shadow you or observe you working for about an hour sometime next week. When would be a good time?” The “technology facilitator” negotiates a time to meet with the “principal.” Following the simulated dialogue, the trainer explains that. while this shadowing experience should be centered around a particular instructional activity, it is also an ideal time to “educate” the principal in all the activities that can take place in the space of an hour. The idea is for the principal to follow the technology facilitator around, watching him or her do whatever comes up within the allotted time.
Have resources/documents available. Be ready to discuss process/timelines/rationale. It is important to remind technology facilitators to have documentation ready for the principal, so that he or she can understand what he/she is watching during this timeframe. This is an excellent time to explain some of the less obvious responsibilities of the technology facilitator’s job.
Interview Preparation Invite principals to computer lab for interview. Review Matrix of Data Sources to prepare for: Interview questions. Documents needed. Following a simulated dialogue between the “principal” and “technology facilitator” for a time to schedule the interview, the trainer explains the points on the interview slides. It is suggested that the principal be invited to the computer lab or technology facilitator’s office for the interview so that the technology facilitator can more easily show the resources of the facility, files, and other documentation, etc. Technology facilitators can prepare for the interview by reviewing the Matrix of Data Sources that provides principals with suggested interview questions and documentation that can illustrate how the various practices are being fulfilled.
Have folders with sample documents ready to show. Prepare several projects/activities/initiatives to showcase. Follow-up the interview with any additional information requested. A technology facilitator can share with the principal a variety of sample documents and other record-keeping strategies. As part of the interview, the technology facilitator can highlight several projects, activities, etc. that are representative of what has been happening throughout the year. If a principal asks a question that can not be answered fully during the interview, the technology facilitator should offer to gather additional information and deliver it to the principal as soon as possible after the interview.
Related Documents The TFPAI and all related documents are available on the NC WiseOwl Web site.