A deteriorating united states education system Student F
1 - Decline in graduation rate. America rates the 1 8th out of 24 industrialized nations in graduation High school rate is 70 % A - Evidence of a deteriorating US education system
Science teachers are less paid less skilled teachers 2 – Performance in science subjects is diminished
Lack of training seminars Lack of teaching incentives 3 - lack of incentives to improve teaching skills
Absenteeism Lateness Intimidating and verbally abusive 4 - Students behavior
Students are not hard working. 5 - Ranks low in international testing
Americans depend on welfare Some end up in prisons 6 - Foreign graduates are filling Hi-Tech position
Teachers are laid off Salary freezes Out dated textbooks 7 - funding crisis
To refine teachers preparation Uniformity in training and skill set across the board Improve early learning opportunities B – Possible solutions
“ American Students Failing To Meet Global Standards Says Center for Education Reforms ” US Newswire 26 sept.2006.Expanded Academic ASAP.Web 11.dec.2010 Guthrie, James W., and Arthur Peng “ The phony funding crisis: even in the worst of times, schools have money to spend ”. Education Next 10.1(2010): 12+.Expanded Academic ASAP.Web.11 Dec 2010 Darling-Hammond, Linda, The Flat World and Education. Miller, George “ Administration Education Agenda ”, FDCH Congressional Testimony), , Point of view reference center “ OECD report examines effective teaching and learning environments ” Reading today 27.1(2009):26.Expanded Academic ASAP.Web 11 Dec.2010 Works Cited