“Relax. The exam may be difficult, but it will be difficult for everyone else, too. I studied harder than most people. Besides, I don’t need a perfect score to get a good grade.” Tip #1: You don’t need to score all the points on a free-response to get a good grade. In fact, you don’t even need to score most of the points.
8 pt. Question Mean = 1.80
Tip #2: Use “buzz phrases.” Do not commit “fatal flaws.” A critical period is a “window of opportunity” – “sensitive time” – or “optimal time for exposure.” It relates to TIMING because the organism must be exposed to a certain environmental stimuli at a specific TIME (e.g., 2-8 months) for development to occur normally.
Skinner’s operant conditioning involved a US, UR, CS, and CR. He found that “any stimulus the organism was capable of perceiving was capable of bringing forth any response the organism was capable of making.” He studied this mostly with rats and pigeons in his operant chamber.
Tip #3: Use BLACK & BLUE ink
8 pt. Question Mean = 3.75