Final Exam Review Terms and Symbols Grade 6
What are these?
What do these stand for: f: ff: fff: ffff:
What do these stand for: f: forte ff: fff: ffff:
What do these stand for: f: forte ff: fortissimo fff: ffff:
What do these stand for: f: forte ff: fortissimo fff: fortississimo ffff:
What do these stand for: f: forte ff: fortissimo fff: fortississimo ffff: fortissississimo
What do these stand for: f: fortep: piano ff: fortissimopp: pianissimo fff: fortississimoppp: pianississimo ffff: fortissississimopppp: pianissississimo
What do these stand for: f: fortep: piano ff: fortissimopp: pianissimo fff: fortississimoppp: pianississimo ffff: fortissississimopppp: pianissississimo
What do these stand for: f: fortep: piano ff: fortissimopp: pianissimo fff: fortississimoppp: pianississimo ffff: fortissississimopppp: pianissississimo
What do these stand for: mp: mf:
What do these stand for: mp: mezzo piano (moderately quiet) mf: mezzo forte (moderately loud)
DEFINE: Tempo: Dynamics: Intonation: Balance:
DEFINE: Tempo:Speed of the music Dynamics: Intonation: Balance:
DEFINE: Tempo:Speed of the music Dynamics: Volume of the music Intonation: Balance:
DEFINE: Tempo:Speed of the music Dynamics: Volume of the music Intonation: Playing in tune Balance:
DEFINE: Tempo:Speed of the music Dynamics: Volume of the music Intonation: Playing in tune Balance: The different volumes of each section (melody should be louder!)
What are the music words for: Speed up: Slow down:
What are the music words for: Speed up: – Accelerando Slow down: – Ritardano
Define: Fermata: Key Signature: Flat: Sharp:
Define: Fermata: Hold out a note Key Signature: Flat: Sharp:
Define: Fermata: Hold out a note Key Signature: The sharps or flats in a piece Flat: Sharp:
Define: Fermata: Hold out a note Key Signature: The sharps or flats in a piece Flat: Lowers note ½ step Sharp:
Define: Fermata: Hold out a note Key Signature: The sharps or flats in a piece Flat: Lowers note ½ step Sharp: Raises note ½ step