If you’re a physicist or an engineer you will probably like this definition: “ The technology of generating and harnessing light and other forms of radiant energy whose quantum unit is the photon » DEFINITION 2 Terrassa 2010 If not …
Technologies integrated in a very large number of products for diverse applications An enabling technology An industrial sector WHAT IS OPTICS-PHOTONICS ? 3 Terrassa 2010
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
INFORMATION 5 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
HEALTH 6 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
MANUFACTURING 7 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
ENERGY 8 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
LIGHTING 9 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
DEFENSE, SECURITY AND SAFETY 10 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : applications
11 Terrassa 2010 What’s photonics ? : examples of Products and Technologies Source: Optech Consulting FPD (Flat Panel Display) FPD Equipment LCD Material & Component TFT-LCD Panel & LCM TN/STN-LCD PDP, OLED, E-paper, 3D FPD (Flat Panel Display) FPD Equipment LCD Material & Component TFT-LCD Panel & LCM TN/STN-LCD PDP, OLED, E-paper, 3D Optical Storage Optical Disc Drive & Player Interconnexions Optical Storage Optical Disc Drive & Player Interconnexions LASER Light Sources & Industry, Bio Application LD, CO 2 / HeNe Lasers Material Processing Machine, Medical Devices LASER Light Sources & Industry, Bio Application LD, CO 2 / HeNe Lasers Material Processing Machine, Medical Devices LED & Lighting Application LED Epi & Packaging LED Lamp LED & Lighting Application LED Epi & Packaging LED Lamp Image Sensor & Optical I/O Devices CCD, CMOS, PD Scanner, Bar Code Reader, Fax IR imaging DSC, Camcorder Image Sensor & Optical I/O Devices CCD, CMOS, PD Scanner, Bar Code Reader, Fax IR imaging DSC, Camcorder Optical Fiber Communication Optical Fiber & Cable Opto-elec Components Light management Optical Fiber Communication Optical Fiber & Cable Opto-elec Components Light management Photovoltaic Crystalline Silicon Materials Silicon & Thin Film Solar Cells Optical concentrators Photovoltaic Crystalline Silicon Materials Silicon & Thin Film Solar Cells Optical concentrators Precision Optical Components & Lens Optical Glass / Plastic Material Lens Module Precision Optical Components & Lens Optical Glass / Plastic Material Lens Module
PHOTONICS WORLD MARKET AND EUROPEAN POSITION 12 Terrassa Growth World Market Photonics €226 billion€270 billion~ 6% p.a. European production volume €43.6 billion€55 billion~ 10% p.a. Employment European Photonics Industry > additional jobs What’s photonics ? : Markets Source: Optech Consulting
Europe is strong in its science base and leads in many downstream industries which are potential beneficiaries and require photonics for their own competitiveness Capitalize and develop this potential Funding is mandatory to develop science, technologies and industries Attract private funding and orientate public one Development of science and industry needs competencies Support new training programmes for engineering science, entrepreneurship Optics-Photonics is a young and small industrial sector Foster cooperation at regional, national and international levels CHALLENGES 13 Terrassa 2010
Europe France Paris region FOCUS ON COOPERATION 14 Terrassa 2010
EUROPEAN LEVEL 15 Terrassa 2010 “COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Preparing for our future: Developing a common strategy for key enabling technologies in the EU“, September 2009 Photonics Key Enabling Technology (KET) European Commission asks for comprehensive European research and industry policy on KETs European level
EU PHOTONICS FINANCING EVOLUTION 16 Terrassa 2010 European level
PHOTONICS21 MILESTONES 17 Terrassa Foundation Photonics21 First European Strategic Research Agenda published and handed over to Commissioner Viviane Reding FP7 funding: 50% growth for photonics research compared to FP6 Photonics Economic impact report published Political Mirror Group agreed on a joint European call on Broadband Access (EUR 30 m) European Commission identifies Photonics as a key enabling technology for Europe 2010 European level
18 Terrassa 2010 Optical French Society Optical French Union French level
An umbrella organisation Association gathering regional clusters and national associations supporting the photonic research and industry Objective : Development of French labs and companies Missions Offer a central contact point for national and european authorities Promote the French O&P Coordinate national actions CNOP : NATIONAL COMMITTEE 19 French level Terrassa 2010
Position paper sent to authorities Priorities on R&D Proposed actions to support industrial development Working plan established with UBIFRANCE, the French agency for international business developement EXAMPLES OF ACTIONS 20 French level Terrassa 2010
Cluster created in 1999 Mission given to contribute to the economic development of the Paris region Financed by local and national institutions An operational team of 15 employees Strategy based on intermediation services offered to members of the network. OPTICSVALLLEY 21 Terrassa 2010 PARIS LEVEL
All levels need partnerships with, and involvment from, Spain to push forward development of sciences, technologies and industries. 22 Terrassa 2010