Essays A Guide
Essays Extended piece of writing on a single theme Is in the form of continuous text In the form of introduction, main section, conclusion Often used to develop an argument
Types of Scientific Writing Factual account of accepted knowledge Textbooks, many student essays Reporting what has been found Lab reports, research papers Arguing a point of view interpreting data making a case
Guidelines essay questions Read the given title or tasks carefully Be sure you are clear what is being asked Organise your information Produce an outline plan Write your essay
Look at the title The words used in the title give a clue to what is needed A factual account will contain words like describe, explain, illustrate in the title. An essay want a case making will contain words like discuss, evaluate, analyse. Sometimes comparisons are wanted; e.g. compare, contrast, distinguish.
Planning A plan is an outline of your answer It should show the shape of your answer without giving detail It can be in the form of headings and sub headings or as a diagram
Sample plan 1 Title Introduction Main argument evidence for evidence against evaluation of evidence Other issues Conclusion
Sample plan 2
Writing your Essay Once you have your plan, Write the essay When you have finished, read it through Make any changes you think necessary You have about 45 min for each essay Allow about 5 – 10 min. each for planning and reviewing at the end.