Transforming Your Care - Developing Integrated Care Dr S Harper HSCB
Strategic direction Care pathways Care pathways Networks Networks Integrated teams Integrated teams Locally designed
Challenges Communication Communication Co-ordination of care Co-ordination of care Co-operation Co-operation –Multiple provider agencies –How do we include third sector? –Patients & clients? Speed of decision making Speed of decision making Resource deployment Resource deployment –Acute v Community
ACUTE WARD A&E PATIENTPATIENT Unscheduled Care Pathway CITIZENCITIZEN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pick an important problem and fix it! Social Care Community nursing Voluntary & Community Sector
ACUTE WARD A&E PATIENTPATIENT Longterm Conditions Pathway CITIZENCITIZEN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pick an important problem and fix it! Social Care Community nursing Voluntary & Community Sector
ACUTE WARD A&E PATIENTPATIENT Diabetes Care Pathway CITIZENCITIZEN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pick an important problem and fix it! Social Care Community nursing Voluntary & Community Sector eg BDA
Strategic direction Care pathways Care pathways Networks Networks Integrated teams Integrated teams
Future opportunities -backed by investment Risk stratification Risk stratification Information sharing Information sharing Care plans Care plans Evaluation Evaluation Integrated Care Partnerships: £12m Shift to community/primary care: £70m £83m recurrent Leadership skills