Online communities for language teachers Maria Teresa Ciaffaroni Britsh Council, Milan, November , 2007 Learning Technologies: Bridging the Gap between Technology and Pedagogy
Digital natives or digital immigrants?
A digital native is a person who has grown up with digital technology such as computers, the Internet, mobile phones and MP3. A digital immigrant is an individual who grew up without digital technology and adopted it later. A digital native might refer to their new "camera"; a digital immigrant might refer to their new "digital camera". Wikipedia (M Prensky 2001) Definition Are you native or immigrant?
Natives at home….
…… school
Digital Native Learners Prefer To receive information quickly from multiple multimedia source Parallel processing and multitasking To process pictures, sounds and video before text Random access to hyperlinked multimedia information To interact/network simultaneously with many others To learn “just-in-time.” Instant gratification and instant rewards Learning that is relevant, instantly useful and fun Preferences
Digital Immigrant Teachers Prefer Slow and controlled release of information from limited sources Singular processing and single or limited tasking To provide text before pictures, sounds and video To provide information linearly, logically and sequentially Students to work independently rather than network and interact To teach “just-in-case” (it’s on the exam) Deferred gratification and deferred rewards To teach to the curriculum guide and standardized tests
Immigrants teaching natives…
How to cope? Learning the new “language”, that is, trying to experiment with technology try Web 2 “tools” first hand work co-operatively interact network multitask share (ideas, experiences, materials, expertise….)
How can you do that? Joining Becoming a Webhead or another online Community at Evonline, a Professional Development Project sponsored by TESOL International collaborative, online discussion sessions or hands-on virtual workshops held every year in January and February last for six weeks offer seminars on ESOL relevant topics sessions are free and open to TESOL members and non- members
What for? To become a well integrated digital immigrant if not a digital native … that is to deal with Web-based communication tools (web 2 tools) be introduced to CMC for EFL/ESL learn how to blend ICT and CMC in one’s daily practice Learn how to use technologies in one’s teaching practices
Why? “In a community of practice members actually work and learn cooperatively and in a multitasking manner. It seems that teachers nurtured in such constructivist environments become capable of extrapolating the techniques used in their own scaffolding to the benefit of their student learners” V. Stevens 2005
The Webhead experience Virtual Groups Virtual Groups Text and voice synchronous communication tools Text and voice synchronous communication tools Blogs, Wikis, Web pages BlogsWikisWeb pages Podcasting Podcasting Virtual classrooms Virtual classrooms Online class materials Online class materials Blended learning Blended learning
Spin offs Blogs for students Blogs for students Blogs with students Blogs with students Blogs for and with colleagues Blogs for and with colleagues Web pages Web pages Lesson plans Lesson plans Teaching materials Teaching materials
Conclusions “Joining a community such as Becoming a Webhead is a significant advantage and enrichment at the professional and personal levels. It is a pleasant and useful way to learn about and start using different Web- based communication tools, gradually introduce them in your teaching-learning process and, last but not least, meet colleagues from all over the world and thus enhance your professional horizons in unprecedented ways.” D. Gonzales T. Almeida d'Eça
References Gonzalez, D,.Almeida d'Eça, T. (2005) Becoming a Webhead: First Steps in Blended and Online Efl/esl Teaching, in IATEFL Poland Computer SIG, Prensky. M (2001) Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Prensky. M (2006) Listen to the Natives, Stevens, V. (2005). "The future is now: How CMC tools for professional development enhance learning environments for students." 2005 TESOL CALL Interest Session Academic Session: Future Visions of CALL. vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/gvs_pres.htm vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/gvs_pres.htm Stevens, V. (2005). "The future is now: How CMC tools for professional development enhance learning environments for students." 2005 TESOL CALL Interest Session Academic Session: Future Visions of CALL. vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/gvs_pres.htmhttp:// vstevens/files/efi/papers/tesol/2005/gvs_pres.htm