Pupil Voice – Extra-curricular Clubs
Reception Data Results How many clubs do they go to Clubs they go to Do they play for the school
More Reception Results How they describe their clubs Do they want more clubs Which new clubs do they want
Year 1 Data Results How many clubs do they go to Clubs they go to Do they play for the school
More Year 1 results How they describe their clubs Do they want more clubs Which new clubs do they want
Year 2 Data Results Clubs they go to If they play for the school team How many clubs do they go to
More Year 2 Results How they describe there clubs? If they want more clubs at school Clubs they would like at school
Year 3 Data Results
How they describe there clubs? More Year 3 Results If they want more clubs at school Clubs they would like at school
Year 4 Data Results Clubs they go toIf they play for the school team How many clubs do they go to
More Year 4 Results How they describe there clubs?If they want more clubs at school Clubs they would like at school
Year 5 Data Results Amount of clubs Clubs we go to
More Year 5 Results How do they describe the clubs? New clubs they want at school Do they want more clubs
Year 6 Data Results How many clubs do they go to Clubs they go to Do they play for the school
More Year 6 Results How they describe their clubs Do they want more clubs Which new clubs do they want
Years 3 to 5 most people go to 0,1 or 2 clubs where as in year 6 most people go to 3 or 4 clubs. The most popular clubs were: dance, tennis, art, Chinese, football, rugby, netball, radio, entrepreneurial, craft and cricket. In year 3 and 4 no children play for a school team, whereas most children play for a school team. Most children described their clubs as interesting fun and exciting. Most children said they would like to go to more clubs and the most popular suggestions were : Gym, singing, athletics, hockey, rounders, table tennis, book club, cooking, golf, cycling and basket ball. Conclusion for KS 2
Most people go to 0 or 1 club. Tennis and Art are the most popular-because they’re the only ones. No children are in the school team. Most children described their clubs as interesting fun, really good, exciting and sticky. Suggestions for more clubs were karate, dance and infant football. Conclusion for FP
Should there be more clubs for children lower down the school? Should there be more team sports for year 3 and 4? Is it possible to have hockey and athletics for KS 2 ? Is it possible to have karate, infant football and dance for FP ? Questions