Local offer- Wiltshire’s approach
What is the local offer? The local offer responds to concerns from parents and carers that it is hard to get information about what support is available and how to access it The local offer has two key purposes: To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available; and To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations by directly involving children and young people with SEN and disability
Overview of Wiltshire’s approach Development of a framework –Key principles –Details type of information to be held under each heading –Collecting new information, linking to current and building on this Overview of 3 approaches we are taking; Education approach Countywide offer Preparing for adulthood approach Focus on outcomes and 4 main PfA pathways Health approach IT approach Importance of co-production at each stage
Parent/carer involvement in local offer Setting principles for local offer Ensuring language used is parent friendly Discussing potential IT solutions and look of local offer Producing questions for educational setting to answer in their ‘local offer’ Involvement to date includes; Other planned involvement includes; Co-producing Preparing for adulthood local offer Co-producing Health local offer Co-producing education county wide local offer
Young people involvement in local offer Telling us what is important about the information on local offer Telling us what would make them visit the website Ensuring language used is accessible Discussing potential IT solutions and look of local offer Telling us the most important things to be on the website Involvement to date includes; Other planned involvement includes; Co-producing Preparing for adulthood local offer Telling us what things should be on the local offer
Your involvement If you would like to become involved in the future development of the local offer please either Or please come and speak to me later today