10 Bridgegate Drive Victoria Dock Hull HU9 1SY
Candidate’s Meeting Service to your Company Voluntary Service Skills based training Skill, Physical Expedition 2 of 3 Completion Residential
EITHER: Practical Skills training Relevant Skills to support work in your Church or Company Support your personal development OR Leadership Skills Training Relevant based training to enhance your leadership skills For example: Sports Leaders Course, BB Leadership Course, First Aid Course, Leading Worship Course, Food Hygiene Certificate, Referees course
Minimum of 30 hours service to Company or church This should be over a minimum 6 week period (unless a new initiative or special project) Can include: –Planning, delivering and evaluating badge classes –Role in regular activities –Taking part in special project –Organising a fundraising event
A minimum of 30 hours community service Conducted over a period of 6 months You could do two or three different things Service has to be outside of your Company and your Church Examples may include Volunteering in a kids club Volunteering in a charity shop
A minimum of 2 from 3 sections (You can do all three) Skill, Physical or Expedition The activity is completed in line with the regulations set out for The D of E Award’s Silver Level If you chose to do Skills and Physical, you should do 6 months in one and 3 months in the other If you do expedition plus one of skills or physical you need to do 6 months in it
Skills Learn to play an instrument, become a referee, join a snooker club, learn to juggle Physical Play basketball, join a gym, go swimming, learn to horse ride Expedition 3 days and 2 nights with 7 hours planned activity each day
Complete Record Book Write ups for each section External Assessors to sign where appropriate Complete logs of hours of the service sections Add in certificates, attendance cards, photos etc You could include video clips etc Ensure that a health and safety check completed by a member of Company staff and yourself before starting Service in the Community!
No earlier than school year 12 Not less than 12 months from the start date Not less than 6 months after skills based training The residential is… an opportunity to share and reflect on experiences with others a chance to challenge opinions includes discussions of moral issues and issues relating to the Boys’ Brigade an opportunity to socialise with other like-minded young people a chance to celebrate achievement a chance to consider your future….
Presented by The Queen’s Representative or very occasionally even The Queen (if you are really lucky!) A formal presentation with your parents and/or people who you want to share with.
The highest award in The Boys’ Brigade The honour of being a Queens Badge Holder in your company Brilliant for your CV when you are looking for a job or a place at university You meet new friends and new people all along the way Gives experiences and memories that you will never lose Is a stepping stone to your future in the BB