The Word Is Alive Titus Summary Narrated by Tony Gillon
Introduction The setting – Paul visited Crete.
Introduction The setting – Paul visited Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to complete the work of building the church.
Introduction The setting – Paul visited Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to complete the work of building the church. Preaching the true Gospel would combat the heresy of the false teachers.
Introduction The setting – Paul visited Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to complete the work of building the church. Preaching the true Gospel would combat the heresy of the false teachers. The need for Christian lifestyle.
Introduction The setting – Paul visited Crete. Paul left Titus on Crete to complete the work of building the church. Preaching the true Gospel would combat the heresy of the false teachers. The need for Christian lifestyle. Paul ends with a benediction over Titus.
Chapter One Opening statement.
Chapter One Opening statement. Titus to establish leaders in the churches on Crete with appropriate credentials.
Chapter One Opening statement. Titus to establish leaders in the churches on Crete with appropriate credentials. Warning on false teachers and who to combat the issue.
Chapter Two Titus is instructed to teach with sound Gospel-based doctrine.
Chapter Two Titus is instructed to teach with sound Gospel-based doctrine. Titus is to maintain a high level of personal standards as a model for others.
Chapter Three Gospel-shaped living produces good works.
Chapter Three Gospel-shaped living produces good works. Before and after the coming of Christ.
Chapter Three Gospel-shaped living produces good works. Before and after the coming of Christ. The issue of false teaching one final time.
Chapter Three Gospel-shaped living produces good works. Before and after the coming of Christ. The issue of false teaching one final time. Final instructions, greetings and benediction.
Summary of Titus Ends