Circulation L
Case number: 185 Clinical: Male aged 70 years. ?BCC Immuno: Pancytokeratin shows strong positivity in centre of lymphoid islands. EBV negative.
Most popular diagnosis Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma
Case number: 186 Clinical: Male 44. Excision of irritated skin lesion behind right ear. Specimen: Skin tag. Macro: A grey polypoid fragment of skin 9x5x5mm.
Most popular diagnosis Epithelioid haemangioma
Case number: 187 Female 65 yrs. Extending atrophic white plaque left anterior iliac region. Macro: Elliptical piece of skin 20x6x6mm.
Most popular diagnosis Morphoea
Case number: 188 Female aged 62. ?Multiple cysts posterior neck. Specimen: Punch biopsy Macro: 3x3x4mm punch biopsy.
Most popular diagnosis Malignant, probably metastatic lobular breast 9.70
Case number: 189 Female aged 48 years. A.L.L. Had bone marrow transplant. Had susequent GvHD. Now thickened red, swollen skin ?Leukaemic infiltrate. Positive for CD79a, CD20, CD10, CD34, TdT. Negative for CD2, CD3 and CD117.
Most popular diagnosis B lymphoblastic lymphoma
Case number: 190 Male aged 21 years. Skin lesions from back ??melanoma. Macro: A large ellipse of skin 75x33x25mm with a central area of depigmentation 37x25mm surrounded by slightly reddish periphery.
Most popular diagnosis Morphoea
Case number: 191 Male aged 60 years. Skin left popliteal fossa excision. Five week history of nodule on skin. No pus. Has some insect bites. ?insect bite reaction, ?keratoacanthoma versus SCC. Macro: Skin biopsy 18x13x2mm in depth with a centrally raised slightly keatotic lesion 5mm in diameter.
Case number: 192 Female aged 64 years. Ultra sound 'vascular lump'. Specimen: Lesion right neck. Excision Macro: Skin ellipse 35x26mm with raised smooth lesion 25x18x10mm.
Most popular diagnosis Granular cell tumour
Case number: 193 Female aged 22 years. Pruritic papules and vesicles. IMF shows granular IgA in the dermal papillae. Macro: Punch biopsy 4x4mm deep.
Most popular diagnosis Dermatitis herpetiformis
Case number: 194 Male aged 88 years. 2-3 month history of mass on left thigh. TTF-1 negative, CK7 negative, S100 negative. CK20 positive, Chromogranin positive, CD56 positive, Synaptophysin positive. Ellipse of skin 80x10mm with 20mm depth bearing a pink nodule15mm dimension.
Most popular diagnosis Merkel cell carcinoma