1 FAIRMODE Forum for AIR Quality MOdelling in Europe Plenary 18 th November 2009 in Ispra, Italy Co-chaired by JRC and EEA Hosted by the Joint Research Centre, Ispra Anke Lükewille (EEA, Air & Climate Change Programme)
2 EEA’s main tasks are: Networking - Development of a European Environmental Information and Observation Network (EIONET) Reporting on the state of and trends in Europe’s environment Providing access to environmental information 32 Member Countries NFP (NRC) 5 EEA-ETCs
3 EIONET Model Users Other Interested Modelling experts FAIRMODE Invited experts EEA JRC, DG-ENV ETC/ACC COST actions AirBase EU projects and networks Model Documentation System EEA’s data centre Applications and excercises FAIRMODE website WG1 Guidance on modelling WG2 Quality assurance Best modelling practices Model harmonisation Input to legislation “Cycles” FAIRMODE Source: Bruce Denby
4 Activities WG1 (lead by Activities WG1 (lead by EEA -ETC/ACC) Provide guidance to present and future model users in EEA’s EIONET partnership network (32 Member Countries plus West Balkan). FAIRMODE tasks in the ETC/ACC 2009 and 2010 Implementation Plans. Presentation of FAIRMODE activities at several international conferences and workshops (HARMO, AQ conf., EGU, …). “Guidance on the use of models for the European Air Quality Directive” report. (Version 4.2)
5 Many thanks to all who have contributed !!! Flowers & berries…