Logging in on “Go” day RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 1 Before we switch over, an will be sent to you in GroupWise with instructions on how to login. This will include instructions for logging in: Username (e.g. Password (your Novell password) On the day we switch over, you will be able to login to Google using the login information provided via mail.google.com You can still access GroupWise, However will no longer be able to send and receive s using GroupWise. mail.google.com login page > All Google accounts will be automatically created for you UPDATE: All staff will login using This will also be your primary address. Other addresses aliases will also remain.
Non-archived s transferred (items you can see in GroupWise without opening your archive) RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 2 Mail items Mailbox s Personal Cabinet Folders Transferred to “Labels” Archived s Transferred progressively post Day 1 over 4 months. Moved into the relevant labels Sent items All sent mail from GroupWise will be migrated. Shared Folders (owner only) Trash items Empty “Bin” Empty “Drafts” No items transferred into “SPAM” The equivalent to Shared Folders are not available in Google. Only the owner of the shared folder will have the data transferred to their “Labels.” Work in Progress items Junk items
RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 3 Calendar items Historical (non archived) calendar appointments for past 2 years Available to view/ navigate to in your calendar Future calendar appointments for all of 2012 Available to view and manage in your calendar Archived appointments Resource bookings Transferred progressively post Day 1 Before they are, archived appointments are still viewable by accessing GroupWise The resource names will be changed to a standard format and will use a Google “Resources Calendar” address format
RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 4 Options & settings Mail Rules Rules can be setup again using Google “Filters” Mail Signature Proxy access to another Mailbox Proxy access to another Calendar Via your Mail Settings > You need to grant access to your colleagues to give them mail delegation permissions to your account Via your Calendar Settings > You need to share your calendar to your colleagues. By default everyone across the university can see free/ busy information on your calendar. Your GroupWise signature will come across in plain text. You can then add rich formatting in Google, including pictures. * Check out the “signature Tweaks” Lab Your GroupWise signature will come across in plain text. You can then add rich formatting in Google, including pictures. * Check out the “signature Tweaks” Lab
RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 5 Contacts Personal Contacts & Groups Frequent Contacts RMIT Address Book Transferred progressively post Day 1 and moved into the relevant labels Shared Contacts (owner only) Empty sent mail Empty “Bin” Empty “Drafts” Empty SPAM All contacts transferred to “My Contacts” full list and groups available Transferred to “Most Contacted” Accessible to search and browse via the “Directory”. This directory allows for searching all current staff and students that are on Google at RMIT. Accessible to search and browse via the “Directory”. This directory allows for searching all current staff and students that are on Google at RMIT. Only the owner of the contacts will have the contacts migrated. The owner will then have to re-share the contacts in Google.
RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 6 Tasks Tasks Posted tasks Reminders Posted Reminders Checklist Fresh “task list” to start with in Google
What’s happening with …? RMIT University©2012 Information Technology Services 7