Consignment Tracking System An Overview - Aron Bury - Ian Searle - Ian Storey
What We Will Cover Project Overview What does it do? How is it useful? Technology and Procedures Software, Languages & Tools Hardware & Procedures The Internship Experience About the Project Working for RMIT RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 2
Project Overview: What does it do? Allows entry of consignments. Retrieves consignment details with a simple scan RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 3
Project Overview: How is it Useful In Industry ? Flexible and fast. The same system can be used to provide different information to different people Data can be inputted from any computer with an internet connection. RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 4
Project Overview: What does it do As a Teaching Tool ? Introduces students to Embedded systems and Industrial Computing Allows students to understand how barcodes work, and how they can be used in industry RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 5
Technology & Procedures: Programming Languages Mark-up: XHTML/CSS Server Side: PHP Client Side: JavaScript (jQuery), AJAX. Arduino: C Emulator: VB.Net Database Engine: PostgreSQL RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 6
Technology & Procedures: Software and Tools Coding: PSPad Freeware Editor Script Debugging: Firebug Database Admin: pgAdmin III Image Manipulation: Gimp Web Server: Apache RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 7
Technology & Procedures: Hardware Microcontroller unit: Arduino Mega. Networking: Network Shield Display: 2x18 LCD Screen Input: PS/2 Barcode Scanner RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 8
RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 9 User Logs on and to insert consignment Insert data using web form PHP Class saves data into the Postgress Database RMIT Business Technology & Procedures: Procedures
RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 10 User Logs On to Generate Consignment Web Form sends all table ID’s to PHP PDF Page PHP page requests relevant records and generates.PDF file Display PDF form on Browser RMIT Business Technology & Procedures: Procedures
RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 11 1 Darmo Place Scan Barcode GET URL Statement is created. Connect to “Arduino.php” PHP Page requests data Echo result within “|” Tags Parse data and display on screen Technology & Procedures: Procedures
The Internship Experience: The Project Enjoyed working on a practical project Challenged my skills as a programmer I was best at the server side development Could have done more with the hardware RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 12
The Internship Experience: Working for RMIT Friendly and helpful Staff Flexible working hours RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 13
Summary A great experience for students A good way for teachers to get projects started RMIT University©2009 School of Business Information Technology 14
Conclusion Questions & Comments 15 School of Business Information Technology RMIT University© Aron Bury - Ian Searle - Ian Storey