Selected Topics Dr Yi Zhou
What a CMS can do Information-based website (without plugin) Small business Personal website Additional fuctionalities (with plugin) Gallery E-Commerce Analysis
What a CMS cannot do No full control of database mysql php wordpress api Little application program support Web service No semantics for the content XML Semantic Web Little design flexibility HTML5 Little algorithmic support algorithms JAVA
Modify a theme Use the theme editor to modify a theme. e.g., to delete the comment box, or extra home button in the menu etc. Figure out the corresponding code in the theme/stylesheet Always BACKUP the files before any change
Customizing templates Different pages may need different templates Templates are stored under the theme directory Build a new.php file with needed components (how to) and upload it into the same directory The name of the template is in the beginning of the php file <?php /* Template Name: My Custom Page */
Templates for Categories You can create new templates by creating a template php file, e.g. template.php by (copy and paste) put it into the theme directory Select different template for different pages (available when editing a page)
Using smiles ;-) is equivalent to :-) is equivalent to :-( is equivalent to :-? is equivalent to …………. there are more and more ……… Use some plug-ins for more emotions Goto setting writing to switch on/off using emotions
Post format You can use different format for posts, formats supported are: aside gallery Link quote status video audio chat
Wrap text around image Edit the targeting page Double click the targeting image Go to edit image You can specify the alignment and other setting for this image
Some plug-ins Akismet: Comment Luv: Contact Form 7: Limit Login Attempts: nRelate or YARPP: Wp Mobile Detector: Google Analytics: Google XML Sitemap: All In One SEO: AdRotate:
Some plug-ins (contd.) W3 Total Cache: JetPack: WordPress Importer Really Simple CAPTCHA WP e-Commerce AntiVirus NextScripts:
Split Testing with Google Analytics Create a “goal” Access the experiment features Create an “experiment” Set the experiment features Add the experiment code Test your experiments Analyze your experiments Wait for a winner Keep doing split testing
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