Halina Oswald JP Director, Monash Research Office Welcome to the Monash Research Office
The Monash Research Office Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and DVC (R) Professor Edwina Cornish Office Support Director Monash Research Office Halina Oswald GRANTS DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT ARC & NHMRC – Nita Eng Other – Louise Francis ETHICS & COMPLIANCE (Human, Animal, Gene Tech, Quarantine, Export Control) Dr Simon Barrett RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEMS Michael Murphy
Grants Development and Management Unit Australian Research Council (ARC) Team – Dr Souheir Houssami ARC & Department of Employment, Education and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) Medical and Health Sciences Team – May Yao National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) & other medical Strategic Grants & Contracts Team – Louise Francis All other funding schemes, including prizes/awards, international schemes, donations & research contract administration
Overall Role of the Grants Development and Management Unit (1) Acts as the main contact between the grant applicants, grantees and funding agencies Deals with all research grant applications to external funding bodies, internal and external, research contracts and related successful grant administration matters Ensures that eligible applications are submitted for major grant schemes (e.g. ARC & NHMRC)
Overall Role of the Grants Development and Management Unit (2) Ensures that the requirements and expectations of funding bodies are met, e.g. Progress Reports Facilitates legal arrangements for research contracts/granting bodies Manages the classification process of contracts to ensure that they meet the definition of “research” Arranges the opening of Monash accounts (“funds”) for external $ awarded (for all research related accounts)
How can the Monash Research Office (“MRO”) assist? Provide information, advice and administrative services to assist / support you. Assistance with writing your grant is available from: Leah Tang Grants and Proposal Developer Phone: 990 56290 Notification of upcoming grant rounds and general grant information via: Monash Research Office Bulletin (monthly) http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/bulletin/ Researchers new to Monash http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/induction/
MRO assistance cont…(1) GrantsWatch http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/grantswatch/ Funding Opportunities Database http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/fod/ Funding Schemes – by Grantor (> 400 schemes) http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/calendar-int/funding_grantor_a-z.php Funding schemes – Early Career Researchers http://monash.edu/researchoffice/fod/ecr-schemes.php Monash Research Office website http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/index.php Other Information Databases and Resources: SPIN - Sponsored Program Information Network http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/spin/
MRO assistance cont…(2) Seminars / Information Sessions / Workshops Advise and inform (“grants intelligence”) through workshops, information sessions, one on one meetings and our web site. ARC & NHMRC schemes – organise Panel experts to give their views on what items need to be considered to make your application more competitive. Current & Past Events, Information Sessions and Information Sessions are available at: http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/announce/
Grant Applications Information, including tips on the preparation are available on our website. Are submitted to the granting body via the Monash Research Office. Must be accompanied by the ‘Monash Cover Sheet’ signed off by the Associate Dean Research (ADR) or Deputy Dean Research (DDR). Are recorded on the research database (Research Master). Only grants entered into ResearchMaster can be viewed in ROPES (Researchers' Online Projects Enquiry System). Successful applicants are advised of the ‘fund’ account following receipt of relevant documentation, e.g. ethics clearance.
Contractual Obligations Agreements for funding are made between funding bodies and Monash Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor and DVC(R) or nominee MUST sign all research funding Agreements Agreements are reviewed by the University’s Solicitor’s Office
Tips on Successful Grant Applications and Submissions (1) Read the Funding Rules & Instructions - they change every year. Seek assistance with writing your grant from our grant writer Readership - have your grant application read by your peers (current department and externally). Discuss your grant application strategy as part of your Performance Management Review. Use your mentor.
Tips on Successful Grant Applications and Submissions (2) Use the Monash Research Office – eligibility queries, budget advice, compliance issues and additional resources. START WRITING EARLY. SUBMIT TO THE MONASH RESEARCH OFFICE BY THE INTERNAL DEADLINE!
Human Ethics at Monash One centralised committee which reviews all research activities involving human participants, the use of data about human participants or tissue of body fluids from humans. Committee meetings are held every 2 weeks
Animal Ethics All Monash scientific activities (teaching or research) using animals requires approval from a Monash Animal Ethics Cttee before work can commence
We’re here to support you, so… Monash Research Office (Reception) Tina Georgitsis Telephone: +61 3 9905 3012 Location Level 1, Building 3D Clayton Campus
We’re here to support you, so… Visit our website Subscribe to Grantswatch http://www.monash.edu.au/researchoffice/grantswatch/ Register with Reception to visit MRO & meet the staff We welcome your feedback