-learning Opportunities What is it? What’s out there? How can we get into it? How do we sell it our trainers & students?
What is elearning? Variety of styles – Fully online or blended What it isn’t – sitting alone at a computer staring at a screen full of text What it can be – Blended with f2f o Suitable units or parts of units using wikis\online classroom\online chat\skype etc o Combined with some f2f classes Using iPads\tablets\computers\mobile phones in the classroom for research etc
What’s out there? Free or cheap web 2.0 tools eg o Wikis o Blogs o Google Tools o Cloud Storage, (Dropbox, iCloud, Box) o Online tools eg – screencasting, voice tools, podcasts, video, eportfolios etc o Facebook o Twitter o iPad and tablet apps o Mobile phone apps o Online quizes o Electronic Books o QR Codes
How can we get into elearning? Ementor project o Online training sessions o Free PD Day in each region Find just one keen trainer/manager/staff member & resource him/her to train – their enthusiasm will carry through to others Be prepared to do some exploring & attend online sessions or conferences in your own time. It will add value to you as a trainer or manager – looks good on CV! Join an online forum or media tool eg facebook or twitter – information will come to you. Follow the gurus Curation Tools – Scoopit or Zite (for iPad) Become the curator for your organisation Get into it or be left behind!
How to add “e” to the classroom Big Ticket items o Learning/Content Management Systems (LMS\CMS) o Blackboard Training VC via eWorks o Moodle – Open Source
But we do it more simply…& a bit cheaper! Content management System – Private Label wiki o $ p/a Unlimited users for existing users, 100 for new users o Free 30 day trial o Each class has its own wiki Completely private Logins Unit resources uploaded Assessments, Unit Outlines Class powerpoints, handouts Discussion board
How does it actually work? Trainers All trainers employed at Coonara must use some “e” in their classes – wikis at a minimum All trainers at Coonara are trained to use wikis Trainers who wish to – Online Classroom training – Current PD sessions at Coonara Currently have 5 trainers who run online classes regularly. More have expressed interest & are attending PD Some experimenting with mobile devices eg QR Codes, placement tasks Starting to train tutors for preaccred classes Students Some classes advertised as “Blended” Some classes advertised as blended with some online classroom sessions Every new class has one or two sessions on wiki training at the start of each course (Accred) Online Classes have one F2F session online classroom training then one practise session from home All classes are f2f with some units of some classes in online classroom Combination of wikis for content management\Discussion Forum - Online Classroom for classes, assessment, webtours, webquests, small group discussions etc
Lets have a quick look at a class wiki Diploma Tuesday Wiki Cert3chntuespm Wiki
Class Wiki
Ensuring Online Conduct is appropriate
General Study Skills Info
Unit Information
Unit Resources
Discussion Forum
Online Classroom - Brainstorming
Small group Assessment
Ementor Wiki – a wealth of resources and information Ementor wiki ACENETWORK wiki Sue Waters’ Wiki The Edublogger
Get excited – get on board and get ahead of the pack!
Lynne Gibb Liz Grigg