New Age Religions
From the 1970’s onwards there has been an increase in ‘New Age’ Religions in Australia. This has been due to a failure of the established churches to meet the needs of the times. People have lost confidence in the capacity of the established churches to provide an answer to their spiritual needs.
New Age Religions tended to be adopted by those who rejected the affluent society created after the post-war generation.
New Age Religions tend to: emphasise the individual rather than the group give a great deal of freedom in how to practise their belief
New Age Religions tend to: stress universal consciousness stress ecological millennialism occasionally express feminist themes
New Age Religions are difficult to define because of their number and diversity.
Examples of what they may deal with: magic witch craft spirit communication reincarnation astrology crystals
Examples of what they may deal with: meditation/yoga chanting dancing psychic power self awareness philosophy
Some examples of New Age Religions: Hare Krishna Scientology Theosophy Rosicrucians Inner Peace Movement Spiritualism Children of God