Emergency Response……. If confronted by an armed person…. Stand still Keep hands still and in sight No quick movements Stand to the side of the robber - submissive Always convey intentions to offender Do not use a phone or public address system 1
Emergency Response…… Some actions……. Report suspicious, unwanted visitors Lock down.. Lock the doors, the office window Call emergency services.. Security or police Provide information when asked 2
Emergency response….. Obey the offender’s instructions Do exactly as you are told – do not try to be brave Do not make any sudden moves 3
Emergency response… Remain calm and quiet Speak only when spoken to Avoid shouting or provoking the offender/s Be submissive & avoid drawing attention to yourself Avoid making eye contact or staring at the offender/s 4
Emergency response.. Observe if safe to do so Appearance including eye colour, hair colour, clothing, weight, age and type of weapon Assess height against door height Characteristics – scars, tattoos, speech patterns or accent If safe to do so - car colour, make, registration 5
Emergency response… Stay out of danger The offenders are in control – do not try to outsmart them During the robbery/ hold-up, do not try to investigate or exercise bravado 6
Emergency response…… Call the police When it is safe to do so – call 000 & request the police Make a full report to the police before discussing the incident with others 7
Emergency Response…… Some actions……. Report suspicious, unwanted visitors Lock down.. Lock the doors, the office window Call emergency services.. Security or police Provide information when asked 8
PROTECT YOURSELF This is the most important thing you can do in an emergency such as a robbery, hold-up, hostage situation or other threat. 9
Emergency response…… Seal off the area Stay away from and do not touch anything the offender/s may have touched Do not allow anyone who was not there, other than emergency &/or police, to enter the area 10
Emergency response…. Witnesses Ask witnesses to remain until police have arrived. The police will then tell witnesses what to do. 11
Emergency response….. If taken hostage Follow the same self protection measures…… Do as you told.. stay quiet Avoid eye contact Do not argue, make suggestions, shout or confront Observe details only if safe to so 12
Emergency response….. If observing a hostage situation…. Do not make your presence known by interfering Keep others away Report to person in charge if possible Call police if contact with person in charge is not possible Do not disturb anything touched by the offender 13