Providing feedback with SETU Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU)
What is SETU? SETU is simple. It’s an online survey enabling you to provide feedback on unit experiences and teaching staff. SETU assists with both unit design and delivery and teacher development. SETU works to improve learning outcomes for Monash students.
SETU makes a difference Through student feedback changes were made to Unit NUR 1010 at the Peninsula campus. Students wanted more: assignment details lab and peer activity time direction for their final exam. Staff responded by: providing more examples updating clinical lab sessions developing a practice exam.
How SETU data is used At University level: monitoring quality requesting improvements. At Faculty/Department level: taking appropriate action notifying students of outcomes. At Unit Co/Teaching Staff level: monitoring student experience implementing change.
How to participate in SETU Taking part is easy: 1.Login to: Choose unit/s to evaluate. 3.Choose staff to evaluate. 4.Select your response. 5.Provide your comments. Your comments are valued: constructive feedback welcome remember our Equal Opp. Policy.
Confidentiality and SETU results Don’t worry! Your feedback isn’t linked to either your ID or name. Find survey results online: Select semester, faculty and unit code. See responses and overall scores for each survey question.
Need more SETU incentive? Become a winner! Win a $500 gift card or 1 of 5 $100 gift cards. Simply complete one evaluation to enter the prize draw. What are you waiting for? Provide your feedback today ! Survey closes Fri 31 October *. * Main survey round (S2-01) - survey closing dates differ for other calendar types.