1 Introduction Week 1 Lecture 1
2 Course Staff Lecturers: A/Prof. Joseph Davis Dr. Ying Zhou Consultation: Thursday, 5-6 pm Tutors: Rohit Dhawan Andrea Stern Various guest lecturers Library, SOT, Industry
3 Objectives Learn formal methods of information collection and analysis Critical skills for future IS career and IS project: Identify and articulate the project problem and its context, Find, understand, analyse and evaluate literature related to the project Write a project proposal Collect data using both qualitative and quantitative investigative methods Analyze and interpret that data Present and communicate your results verbally and in writing.
4 Course Outline Four major parts Research basics (4 weeks) Identify topic and scope Find and review literature Design Data collection (3.5 weeks) Various data sources Data analysis (2.5 weeks) Dealing with qualitative and quantitative data Advanced topics (3 weeks) Current IS issues in industry research Popular theories and models used in IS project and research
5 Assessment Package Assignments Project proposal ( 20% ) due on week 5 (Apr 14th before 12:00pm ) Small survey project ( 15%) due on week 11 (May 26th before 12:00pm ) Small group presentation (5%) Held on week 12 & 13’s tutorial Written exam (60%) Closed book You need to pass 40% of the exam to pass the course
6 Assessment package Late work In the interests of fairness to all students, the School of Information Technologies policy states that late work cannot be accepted. In exceptional cases late work must be submitted directly to the unit coordinator accompanied by an application for Special Consideration as outlined in the School of Information Technologies Undergraduate Handbook. The coordinator will assess the application immediately and either accept or reject it.
7 Assessment package Marks of assignments will be published through WebCT, usually two weeks after the due date You are required to check the correctness of your mark regularly Errors or omissions should be reported to the unit coordinator, with appropriate evidence, within ten days of being published Ten days after being published, marks are considered to have been confirmed and will not subsequently be altered.
8 Timetable TimeThursdayFriday 9Tutorial F09A Eastern Avenue Sem Tutorial F10A Carslaw Tutorial room Tutorial R11A Eastern Avenue Sem Tutorial R12 A Carslaw Tutorial room Lecture 1 Carslaw Lecture Theatre 175 Lecture 2 Carslaw Lecture Theatre Tutorial R14 A Transient Tut Room 246
9 Tutorials We will discuss one business or IS case each week till week 11. You should read the case before the tutorial. Detailed tutorial attendance and participation will be recorded. Tutorial (2 -11) will not be assessed If you need to change your tutorial time Discuss this with your tutor with appropriate evidence. Priorities Tutorial is not full You have timetable clash Other reasons
10 Our Textbook Research Methods for Business Students (3rd Edition ) by Mark N.K. Saunders, Philip Lewis, Adrian Thornhill Organized according to research process With emphasis on data collection and analysis Sample project writings Self check questions and answers One business case for each topic