Evolution of Stars
Main Factor of Life Cycle Beginning mass
Nebulae Huge clouds of dust and gas
M16 – Eagle Nebula
M16 – Eagle Nebula
Stars forming in Trifid Nebula M20
½ light year long twisters in Lagoon Nebula M8 in Sagittarius
Protostar Hot, contracting cloud of dust and gases
When the temp. reaches 10,000,000 °C, a star is born
Star forming region in NCG 2366
Star forming region of NCG604
Medium-sized Stars Most common star type Our sun
Red Giant Most of the hydrogen is used up Outer shell begins to expand
As it expands, it cools and becomes red
Core gets hotter – up to 200,000,000 °C – where helium is fused into carbon
Gas drifts off forming a planetary nebula
Eskimo Nebula – NCG2392
MyCn18 – young planetary nebula 8000 light years away
Stingray Nebula – youngest nebula known
Ring Nebula – planetary nebula around a white dwarf
White Dwarf Extremely dense White hot
M4 – comparison of ground based observation to HST
Massive Stars Start like medium-sized stars Become supergiants after red giant stage
Temp can reach 600,000,000 °C Carbon atoms fuse and eventually form iron
Betelgeuse – red supergiant
Supernova Tremendous explosion Heat can reach 1,000,000,000 °C
Iron atoms fuse to form heavier elements Can light up our sky
Southern Crab Nebula
Supernova remnant – Veil Nebula – NGC6992
Neutron Stars Often less than 16 km in diameter Spin very rapidly
Energy is given off in narrow beams Pulsars – appear to give off pulses of energy
2 X-ray pulsars, Geminga and Crab Pulsar
Neutron star
Black Holes Incredibly massive stars Gravity becomes so strong that even light cannot escape
Artist concept of a black hole
Black hole candidate in M87
Black hole in NGC4261