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Presentation transcript:



BUILDING ON STRENGTH PROJECTS 2.1 Strengthened student engagement in learning through the provision of personalised pathways tailored to meet individual needs and abilities 3.1 Teaching practices K-12 informed and characterised by the principles of contemporary learning 3.2 A creative and effective implementation of the Australian Curriculum which enhances classroom practice

the STATE PLAN Empowering Local Schools National Partnership Principals Professional Development Plan State Literacy and Numeracy Plan Launch of the NSW Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation NSW BOS Syllabus

Driven by the NATIONAL AGENDA Starting with …… National Professional Standard for Principals (AITSL) professional-standard-for-principals/ professional-standard-for-principals/

LOOKING FORWARD National Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL) Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework (Aitsl)Australian Teacher Performance and Development Framework (Aitsl) Australian Curriculum Implementation

DISCUSS In light of the intent of the documents mentioned what questions emerges for you as a leadership team? (Parking Lot A3); What kind of culture do we want to create? What does improvement look like for the team? How will improvement be measured?

CURRENT SCHOOL-WIDE VISION What is your current school vision for: Pedagogy Learning Assessment

LOOKING FORWARD As a leadership team read the summary of the shaping papers: What are the points of difference, post it notes (for collation) from the perspective of: A. Pedagogy B.Learning C.Assessment

DISCUSS Triads of ABC complete the TLC Tempting: What excites you? Lacking: What knowledge and skills would a teacher need to implement the Australian curriculum for the next decade (leadership team response) Changes: Positive alternatives that needs development.

SESSION TWO PURPOSE: To create a framework for action research, linked to the Professional Standards for Teachers and the Standard for Principals, to assist leadership teams with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum.

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS…. 1.What new knowledge and skills will our students need? 2.What new knowledge and skills will we need as teachers/leaders? 3.How can we deepen our professional knowledge and broaden our skills? 4.How can we engage students in new learning experiences? 5.How can flexible and innovative school structures and processes enhance the delivery of the Australian Curriculum? What new ways are required? 6.What thinking is required to engage parents and communities in partnership with schools to deliver effectively on the new Curriculum?

2016 VISION Each person requires 6 post it notes – one per question. Review your responses to the questions and record ONE response per question/post it note Each person share response per question and place post-it note on butchers paper under relevant question. Adhere to the rule “Speak once before you speak twice.”

2016 VISION Pedagogy Learning Assessment Reflect on the current Vision for pedagogy, learning and assessment: What now needs to be considered?

SESSION THREE PURPOSE: To design action research, linked to the Principals’ Professional Development Plan to assist leadership teams with the implementation of the Australian Curriculum.

CRITERIA Inclusive of the Australian Curriculum At least one phase 1 subject Is collaborative in nature: either across schools; across subject areas; across stages; or within a department Funds are used for releasing teachers to develop collaboration and/or networks (three schools = $30000) Be prepared to share your research in Term

WHAT DO WE NEED TO DO? Determine base line data eg current vision of pedagogy, assessment or learning (provide evidence of this, eg photographs, audio file, video) Decide where you want to go in Pedagogy, Assessment, or Learning for 2016 Decide on a question to be investigated or a problem to solve in order to bring the vision of 2016 to reality As a leadership team design the plan to present to those at school.

2013 ANNUAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN NEEDS TO INCLUDE: Australian Curriculum implementation Reference to the role of the principal/leaders in action Mandatory Reform Agenda