Do you want to change your life ? Do you want to find a job or study? Be the change you wish to see
Serving the community of Heyfield, Denison, Nambrok, Winnindoo, Seaton, Glenmaggie, Licola, Coongulla, Tinamba and Cowwarr.
Cooinda Hill currently provides life experiences for approximately 50 people with a disability. This includes communication, art, self-advocacy, prevocational and community based vocational training, community inclusion, personal development, social education, recreation and leisure. Recognising that learning in real situations is the best educator Technology can be an enabler Multi–sensory Learning
Our mission To be a quality provider of education, employment skills training and social enterprises to the community Our vision To empower GEST clients to realise their full potential Aged Care Home and Community Care
Wonthaggi Partnerships Community Garden Woodcrafter U3A Neighbourhood Centre Community VCAL