Made in the kingdom of heaven My boss (Jesus) is good my brothers, for last summer he sent me on vacations to Dallas. While I was there, I visited the.


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Presentation transcript:

Made in the kingdom of heaven My boss (Jesus) is good my brothers, for last summer he sent me on vacations to Dallas. While I was there, I visited the church of Christ For the Nations, not only that, I also was richly blessed since I met the Pastor of said congregation; Billy Allen. We had a few words before the sermon, and I shoot him with this question: How did you discover your ministry? And he answered – Everything called to it, and if I had ignore it; it would have crushed me. Do you already know your ministry brother?, Do you know the purpose of your dust body? Im pretty sure that you have been working really hard on the accessories, but, dont you feel that a piece of the puzzle is missing? Our Lord is good brothers!, so good that he let us choose our career, couple and respects our likes. Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King

Made in the kingdom of heaven However there is one thing that He would not let us determine, and that is your purpose under the sun. And if you dont fulfill it; life will crush you. Reflect with me; bring to your mind that thing that gives you life. That thing that is longing to be released in the shape of a note, lyric, word, writing (you name it). That thing you perform and release the spirit in you. That thing that you know the Lord has been sending you messages about, though you are afraid to believe it. That is your beginning; it would be like finding the start bottom to a space shuttle. I can truly say that we need God to reveal the purpose of our lives, for with out it, we shall never find fulfillment; and the glory inside of us it will crush us. I invite to ask God this: What do I do with my heavenly shuttle? For you should know better since it says made in the kingdom of heaven

Joy to the world Emmanuel the Son of God with Us, Finally our Savior King Made in the kingdom of heaven I guarantee you that the Lord will answer you brother, for it is your lifes most important mission (more like the only one). And I strongly encourage you to believe him. Believe him, even though at this time you can only see lights flashing in your heavenly shuttle monitor. Or are you going to tell me that he did not make you? God blesses you today…………….. Got Jesus? < …………… by: Richy Esparza Remember ye not the former things, I will do a new thing, to give to my Chosen people. Thus saith the LORD the Holy One of Israel, O Jacob my servant. Yet now hear Israel, whom I have chosen